Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas

Graphics Monitor crash on Mac OS X Big Sur


I am trying to run Intel Graphics Monitor on Mac OS Big Sur 11.5.1.

The app runs, but keeps reporting that the monitor server has crashed. 
It is giving me this crash log:

C++ crash stack: 
>>    ???                                 0x000004c5000004b3 : 0x0()++ 5244155069619
>>    libigdmd.dylib                      0x000000010e99cce1 : libigdmd.dylib()++ 72929
0x000000010e99cce1 (in libigdmd.dylib) + 433
>>    libigdmd.dylib                      0x000000010ea03231 : libigdmd.dylib()++ 492081
0x000000010ea03231 (in libigdmd.dylib) + 113
>>    libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib 0x000000010eeb892b : void* std::__1::__thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<std::__1::unique_ptr<std::__1::__thread_struct, std::__1::default_delete<std::__1::__thread_struct> >, void (Metrics::GPUSampleBasedMetricsCollector::*)(), Metrics::GPUSampleBasedMetricsCollector*> >(void*)++ 65771
0x000000010eeb892b (in libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib) + 619
>>    libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib 0x000000010eeb8ec7 : void* std::__1::__thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<std::__1::unique_ptr<std::__1::__thread_struct, std::__1::default_delete<std::__1::__thread_struct> >, void (Metrics::GPUSampleBasedMetricsCollector::*)(), Metrics::GPUSampleBasedMetricsCollector*> >(void*)++ 67207
0x000000010eeb8ec7 (in libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib) + 375
>>    libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib 0x000000010ee9e397 : libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib()++ 13207
0x000000010ee9e397 (in libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib) + 135
>>    libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib 0x000000010ee9deac : libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib()++ 11948
0x000000010ee9deac (in libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib) + 412
>>   libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib 0x000000010ee9d989 : libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib()++ 10633
0x000000010ee9d989 (in libigm_GfxDrvSampledPublisher.dylib) + 57
>>   GpaServer                           0x000000010e692a9b : boost::archive::text_oarchive_impl<boost::archive::text_oarchive>::save_binary(void const*, unsigned long)++ 2061451
0x000000010e692a9b (in GpaServer) + 651
>>   GpaServer                           0x000000010e692c4a : boost::archive::text_oarchive_impl<boost::archive::text_oarchive>::save_binary(void const*, unsigned long)++ 2061882
0x000000010e692c4a (in GpaServer) + 42
>>   GpaServer                           0x000000010e67001d : boost::archive::text_oarchive_impl<boost::archive::text_oarchive>::save_binary(void const*, unsigned long)++ 1919501
0x000000010e67001d (in GpaServer) + 157
>>   GpaServer                           0x000000010e66fe07 : boost::archive::text_oarchive_impl<boost::archive::text_oarchive>::save_binary(void const*, unsigned long)++ 1918967
0x000000010e66fe07 (in GpaServer) + 167
>>   GpaServer                           0x000000010e65bb93 : boost::archive::text_oarchive_impl<boost::archive::text_oarchive>::save_binary(void const*, unsigned long)++ 1836419
0x000000010e65bb93 (in GpaServer) + 1347
>>   GpaServer                           0x000000010e44bcbf : GpaServer()++ 191679
0x000000010e44bcbf (in GpaServer) + 223
>>   GpaServer                           0x000000010e44bb3c : GpaServer()++ 191292
0x000000010e44bb3c (in GpaServer) + 60
>>   GpaServer                           0x000000010e4225ff : GpaServer()++ 22015
0x000000010e4225ff (in GpaServer) + 3967
>>   GpaServer                           0x000000010e424820 : GpaServer()++ 30752
0x000000010e424820 (in GpaServer) + 96
>>   libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff20396f3d : start()++ 1
start (in libdyld.dylib) + 1


Is it not supported on this version of OS X? I know the development has stopped, but...
My machine is equipped with Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 1536 MB.


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3 Replies


When you say it runs, you mean you can attach to a game and capture in Stream or Trace mode, but you keep getting the message pop up while you work? Or does Graphics Monitor open, but the capture window with the running game does not open?

Regarding your platform - you have a single CPU with integrated graphics and no discrete graphics card?

You are correct, we discontinued development for Metal. But Graphics monitor should be able to collect data. And it certainly should not crash. We test each release on various Mac versions. 


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Thank you for the response on the issue. No I am not able to attach or launch anything. Immediately after starting the app it keeps giving me a prompt saying that the monitor server has crashed. The UI stays active and the application does not terminate. However, if I try to attach or launch through it, it is giving the message again. It is not launching the process to be analyzed.

I attached the crash log in my first post. I am seeing boost mentioned there, and overall to me this GPA server crash dump looks like a dynamic library mismatch. Could that be related to the fact that I have boost in my system installed through brew? Perhaps GPA is expecting a different boost version? I can't find any boost libs shipped with the app distribution to allow for relative linking. 

Also, as you stated support for Metal is discontinued, I was not trying to use it for Metal. The application I wanted to run it on was using OpenGL 4.1 running on official Apple's driver, not Mesa, Zink or whatever else.

I've got a new rig which does not have Intel's GPU and is not running on OS X, so I do not really need Intel GPA anymore. So, for me personally the issue is mostly sorted. Nevertheless, if any further input from me is required I still have access to that Mac machine.

Again, it is a MacBookPro 2017 13 inch, featuring an Intel Core i5 CPU and Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 1536 MB GPU. It does not have any other discrete GPU. The OS version is Mac OS X Big Sur 11.5.1. The GPA version is latest available on Intel website and downloaded from there. I also tested Intel GPA under Windows 10 on that same machine, and it worked fine under Windows.

I also noticed a versioning difference. The download for Windows features a fresher version of Intel GPA than the Mac download on the website. Perhaps that could be a problem too?

There are two boost versions installed through Homebrew in the system for LLVM Clang and GCC compilers, both of version 1.74.

0 Kudos


Hmm. Thank you for the information. I appreciate you being willing to help if we need to pursue this.

The version is different because we are not in active macOS development.

We stopped supporting OpenGL, but that shouldn't cause what you are seeing. (FYI - we have recently added OpenGL hooks back in as we are adding new functionality for our coming discrete GPUs.)

I will run this by the dev team and let you know if they are interested in pursuing the issue.

Again, thank you.


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