Intel® High Level Design
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676 Discussions

Intel HLS compiler is hanging during compilation


Hi all


I finally managed to get my HLS compiler working and already successfully compiled one of the example projects. So I gave it a try with my own design. First it looked good. The compiler started to build up the file structure in my folder:


Also inside the project folder it started to create the files:


But after the compiler was still working after 10 minutes, I checked the folders again if something happened. The files still looked the same! So I thought maybe I'm just impatient and let it run over lunch. Even after 3 hours, the compiler still did not finish and also the files in the folders did not change. So I decided to stop and repeat it. Still the same. The compiler stays in the following condition for hours:


There was no error returned by the compiler. Also the log files did not contain any information. Is it really possible that the process takes this long? Does anyone have a hint how to debug this or what could be wrong on my side?

I am using the following setup:

  • Intel Quartus 22.1
  • Intel HLS compiler 21.4
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017 
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9 Replies

Hi @Paba,

Thank you for posting in Intel community forum and hope all is well.

Noted on the details explanation provided that really helps us to better understand the situation.

I see that you are trying to run full compilation which is causing the issues.

Quick check does the emulation compilation completed successfully?

Suspecting it might be project specific error which caused the hang.

Would it be convenient to share the your project files for us to check further?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes


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Thanks for your response!

I'm not sure what you mean with the emulation compilation. Can you quickly explain what you mean with it? However, I have attached the project I try to compile as a zip file to this comment. Maybe you can find out more than me. At least the log files did not show any errors. Therefore it is hard for me to say if there was an issue with the file and what could have caused the hanger.


Best Regards


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Hi @Paba,

Apologies on the confusion, Im referring to the emulation flow where we are only creating the testbench exe (i.e., -march=x86-64).

More details of the flow can be found in the below link:



Noted on the project files attached, please do give us some time to try and replicate the issues.

Will get back to you at earlist possible.

Thank you for the patients.

Best Wishes


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Hi @Paba,

Thank you for the patients, this is just to inform you that we are still working on the cases.

As the replication of issues is still on going, will get back to you earlier sometime around early this week.

Please stay tune.

Best Wishes


0 Kudos

Hi @Paba,

Thank you for waiting, after some investigation with the code provided, we did notice some error from our end unfortunately there is no hang happening during the emulation flow.

We have did some try and error by removing the reference header file library which is the cause of error.

Issues are most likely on the project itself as other example are working, hence would recommend the same, perhaps to remove the some of the references library to narrow it the cause of hang.

Note: Also notice there is some missing curly braces for the first function.

Best Wishes


0 Kudos

Hi @Paba,

Good day, just following up on the previous clarification.

By any chances did you managed to look into the it?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wishes


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Hi BoonBeng


Thank you a lot for your hints in regards of my project. So far I didn't have time to take a look into it and with my longer holiday now waiting for me, it still will take some time. 
The includes I am using are referring to other, standard libraries. I guess it then will take me again some time to find out what the issue is. I will definitively come back to you again as soon as I have more information. But this won't happen before October. 

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Hi @Paba,

Noted with thanks on coming back with your update, sure please take you time and let us know if you hit into any issues, and will be more than happy to get back to you. This thread will be transitioned to community support for further help on doubts in this thread. Please login to ‘’, view details of the desire request, and post a feed/response within the next 15 days to allow me to continue to support you. After 15 days, this thread will be transitioned to community support.

Thank you for the questions and as always pleasure having you here.

Best Wishes


p/s: If any answer from the community or Intel Support are helpful, please feel free to give best answer or rate 4/5 survey.

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Dear @BoonBengT_Intel 

I was finally able to continoue on the project and followed your advices. Here is the result:

I have transferred my project into a VisualStudio 2022 project solution. Like this I was able to debug the project more in detail. As already stated by you, there were some conflicts with the braces. But in the end the project compiled successfully. There were two things I've noticed during compilation with Visual Studio:

  • Some includes had to be added manually to the project. I don't know how this is done during HLS compilation and how the HLS compiler knows about the includes. However, they are all located in the 'src' folder and should be accessible for the compiler.
  • I had to set a flag for the compiler for a big project. In my first attempt to compile the project, the compiler complained about the size of the obj file and did not finish the job successfully. Only after the flag was set the compiler run through and in the end generated an obj file of about 250MB size.

During my first attempt with the HLS compiler, it still claimed an issue with the braces. The compiler this time printed the error message and stopped working.
I was not sure if the HLS compiler got confused by the #ifndef statements in the myproject.cpp file, because the claimed braces were placed within these #ifndef statements. Therefore, I did remove them completely because they are not necessarily needed for a first test run. After that the HLS compiler started to work. But I ended up in the same situation as before: The HLS compiler runs forever without returning any message.


I assume that there is no project issue at the moment since the project was compilable in VisualStudio. For your reference, I zipped the complete VisualStudio solution again and attached it to this post. Maybe you see more than I do and there still is something wrong in my project. But so far I don't see anything that could be wrong in the project.

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