Intel® MPI Library
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How to get intel compiler support on HPC server


Dear Intel Team I am a Ph.D. research scholar and qualified for student license(Intel Parallel Studio XE), presently using High Performace Computing (HPC) at IITD, I need help in installing intel compiler with OpenMP support, in my account (nonroot installation) on the HPC server. I do not have admin/root/sudo access, and there is no internet connectivity on the machine( HPC cannot connect to the internet) Please guide, what steps do I need to follow,

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10 Replies

download the compiler bundle to your laptop.

then look here

Looks like there may be the intel compiler 2015 version on that system.

What does   module  avail   give you?

0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav,

You can download the product offline and copy the installer to the login node.

Since you don't have sudo access you can specify the location to install during installation.

For more information regarding installation, you go through the installation guide.

To use OpenMP along with intel compilers you just have to add  -qopenmp while compiling the code.

Ex: icc -qopenmp -c parallel.cpp

For more details along with an example please go through Adding OpenMP* Support to your Application.





0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav,

Is your installation successful?

Do let us know if you need any help.



0 Kudos

Thank you, Team, 

Installation guide is really helpful, but still, I am facing one issue

How to get  Xorg X11 libXss runtime library installed on the HPC server without admin privileges, I am getting the following message


Prerequisites > Missing Critical Prerequisite(s)
There are one or more critical unresolved issues which prevent setup from
continuing.  You can fix them without exiting the setup program and re-check. Or
you can exit the setup program, fix them and run the setup program again.
Missing critical prerequisite
-- Xorg X11 libXss runtime library is not found. 'Graphical user interface'
component of VTune Profiler cannot be installed.

 1. Show the detailed info about issue(s) [ default ]
   2. Re-check the prerequisites

   h. Help
   b. Back
   q. Quit installation

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [ 1 ]:

0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav,

Installing Xorg X11 libXss runtime library requires root access as they are display drivers.

You can opt for CLI install, in this case, the installer will not require the presence of OS GUI components such as Xorg X11 server.

As mentioned in Installation guide Section 3.6, the installation of some features of Vtune requires root access.

Can you skip the Vtune installation or is this problem stopping the product installation?

Let me know the status.





0 Kudos


This problem is stopping the product installation, I tried again to verify, please find below the steps

   1. Activate offline using a license file [ default ]
   2. Use Intel(R) Software License Manager to find an existing license file

   h. Help
   b. Back
   q. Quit installation

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [ 1 ]: 1
Please type the full path to your license file(s): 
Activation completed successfully.
Press "Enter" key to continue: 
Configuration > Configure Cluster Installation
Where would you like to install?

This product can be installed on cluster nodes.

   1. Finish configuring installation target [ default ]
   2. Installation Target                    [ Current System (Single - Node) ]

   h. Help
   b. Back
   q. Quit installation

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [ 1 ]: 1

Configuration > Pre-install Summary
Install location:

The following components will be installed:
    Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector 2020 Update 1                       403MB
        Intel Trace Analyzer for Intel(R) 64 Architecture                   78MB
        Intel Trace Collector for Intel(R) 64 Architecture                 233MB

    Intel Cluster Checker 2019 Update 8                                    220MB
        Cluster Checker                                                    137MB

    Intel VTune Profiler 2020 Update 1                                     2.1GB
        Command line interface                                             1.1GB
        Sampling Driver kit                                                  3MB
        Graphical user interface                                           1.3GB
        Platform Profiler                                                  618MB

    Intel Inspector 2020 Update 1                                          354MB
        Command line interface                                             221MB
        Graphical user interface                                            55MB
--More--[Press space to continue, 'q' to quit.]
Intel Advisor 2020 Update 1                                            996MB
        Command line interface                                             379MB
        Graphical user interface                                           733MB
        Flow Graph Analyzer                                                185MB

    Intel C++ Compiler 19.1 Update 1                                       1.3GB
        Intel C++ Compiler                                                 1.1GB

    Intel Fortran Compiler 19.1 Update 1                                   590MB
        Intel Fortran Compiler                                             435MB

    Intel Math Kernel Library 2020 Update 1 for C/C++                      2.8GB
        Intel MKL core libraries for C/C++                                  10MB
        Cluster support for C/C++                                           11MB
        Intel TBB threading support                                         54MB
        PGI* C/C++ compiler support                                         11MB
        GNU* C/C++ compiler support                                         74MB

    Intel Math Kernel Library 2020 Update 1 for Fortran                    2.7GB
        Intel MKL core libraries for Fortran                                 6MB
        Cluster support for Fortran                                          7MB
        GNU* Fortran compiler support                                      145MB
--More--[Press space to continue, 'q' to quit.]
 Fortran 95 interfaces for BLAS and LAPACK                           33MB

    Intel Integrated Performance Primitives 2020 Update 1                  4.2GB
        Intel IPP single-threaded libraries: General package               1.4GB
        Intel IPP multi-threaded libraries                                 1.9GB

    Intel Threading Building Blocks 2020 Update 2                          153MB
        Intel TBB                                                          124MB

    Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library 2020 Update 1                4.1GB
        Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library 2020 Update 1            2.2GB

    Intel MPI Library 2019 Update 7                                        1.0GB
        Intel MPI Benchmarks                                                 2MB
        Intel MPI Library for applications running on Intel(R) 64 Architecture 1

    GNU* GDB 8.3                                                           226MB
        GNU* GDB 8.3 on Intel(R) 64                                         93MB
        Source of GNU* GDB 8.3                                              91MB
        Python sources                                                      26MB

    Intel(R) Distribution for Python*                                      6.2GB
--More--[Press space to continue, 'q' to quit.]
Intel(R) Distribution for Python* 3 for Linux*                     3.8GB

   Install space required: 17.7GB

Driver parameters:
    Sampling driver install type: Only driver kit files will be installed. 
        Hardware sampling analysis will use driverless Perf collection. For more
Installation Target:
    Install on the current system only


   1. Accept configuration and begin installation [ default ]
   2. Customize installation

   h. Help
   b. Back
   q. Quit installation

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [ 1 ]: 
WARNING: Destination directory already exists.
Do you want to continue?

   n. No
   y. Yes

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [ n ]: 
Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [ n ]: y
Checking the prerequisites. It can take several minutes. Please wait...

cat: /proc/asound/version: No such file or directory

Prerequisites > Missing Critical Prerequisite(s)
There are one or more critical unresolved issues which prevent setup from
continuing.  You can fix them without exiting the setup program and re-check. Or
you can exit the setup program, fix them and run the setup program again.
Missing critical prerequisite
-- Xorg X11 libXss runtime library is not found. 'Graphical user interface'
component of VTune Profiler cannot be installed.
   1. Show the detailed info about issue(s) [ default ]
   2. Re-check the prerequisites

   h. Help
   b. Back
   q. Quit installation

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [ 1 ]: 1   

Prerequisites > Missing Critical Prerequisite
The install program cannot detect the Xorg X11 libXss runtime library required
by the graphical user interface of the product.

To install Xorg X11 libXss runtime library, execute one of the following
commands specific to your operating system:
- Ubuntu / Debian:
sudo apt-get install libxss1
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS:
sudo yum install libXScrnSaver
- Fedora:
sudo dnf install libXScrnSaver
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:
sudo zypper install libXss1
- Clear Linux:
sudo swupd bundle-add devpkg-libXScrnSaver

Otherwise, go back and unselect 'Graphical user interface' component.

   1. Finish with prerequisites and back to Critical Prerequisites dialog [
default ]
   2. Back to Prerequisite summary dialog

   h. Help
   b. Back
   q. Quit installation

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [ 1 ]: 1

Prerequisites > Missing Critical Prerequisite(s)
There are one or more critical unresolved issues which prevent setup from
continuing.  You can fix them without exiting the setup program and re-check. Or
you can exit the setup program, fix them and run the setup program again.
Missing critical prerequisite
-- Xorg X11 libXss runtime library is not found. 'Graphical user interface'
component of VTune Profiler cannot be installed.
   1. Show the detailed info about issue(s) [ default ]
   2. Re-check the prerequisites

   h. Help
   b. Back
   q. Quit installation

Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [ 1 ]: q

0 Kudos

Dear Team

I enquired HPC IIT Delhi, , for the same issue, they said, they provide access to intel parallel studio 2020 to their institute students, as its a licensed software

As I am also a student, but of different institute, so outsiders are having access to only open-source software,

since I am not able to install the software in my account because of above mentioned issue,  may I request them to use their institute license.


0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav,

During installation after Configuration > Pre-install Summary step, you reach Installation target.

From here please select the options I mentioned:

1) Installation Target:
    Install on the current system only


   1. Accept configuration and begin installation [ default ]
   2. Customize installation

Here select option 2 to customize the installation


Configuration > Architecture selection
Select the target architecture(s) where the applications you develop will run.

   1.    IA-32
   2.    Intel(R) 64

   3. Finish architecture selection [ default ]
Here select the architecture whose components you want to install, or select 3 or press enter to install both(recommended)


Review the configuration settings below. You can customize the settings or
accept them and begin installation now.

   1. Accept configuration and begin installation [ default ]

   2. Change install Directory      [ /home/sdp/intel ]
   3. Change components to install  [ All ]
   4. View pre-install summary

Here select option 3 and remove Vtune and any other components you don't need. [Hint: First unselect all component by pressing  a and select each component by giving their number in list as input]

I think this will solve the Xorg X11 libXss runtime library is not found issue.

Let me know the status.





0 Kudos

Finally it's installed except the Graphical user interface component of VTune Profiler.

Thank you, sir

0 Kudos

Hi Gaurav,

Since your issue has been resolved. We are closing this thread

Please raise a new thread for further queries.



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