Intel® Optane™ Memory
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Hola, buenos días. Espero que se encuentren bien. Tengo una situación con la unidad Intel Optane H10 con 16gb de memoria y 256gb de almacenamiento SSD que a continuación describo: 

- Instale la unidad en una laptop HP 240 G7 y la detectó sin problemas. Una vez instalada en el equipo, le instalé Windows 10 Profesional y funcionó sin problemas, al menos, 4 días. 

- De repente, al querer iniciar me apareció que no se detectaba ningún sistema operativo instalado. Revisé las opciones de dispositivos de inicio en el BIOS y todo parecía correcto así que decidí reinstalar Windows. Para ello en el BIOS, utilice la opción NON OPTANE con la finalidad de formatear la unidad. Después de ello,  el sistema solo detectaba 13 gb de memoria. Después de varios intentos de reinstalación en diferentes discos y que solo me detectaba 13 gb de memoria, ahora me detecta un disco pero lo marca como no disponible (adjunto captura de pantalla). Ya he intentado seguir las diferentes soluciones que se enlistan en el sitio de intel pero no lo logro solucionar. Mi objetivo es instalar Windows en el almacenamiento SSD de la unidad Optane y la memoria Optane utilizarla para acelerar una unidad HDD de 1 TB.

Adjunto información de mi sistema. Agradezco su ayuda y quedo atento a sus comentarios.

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8 Replies

Hello ethebar,

Thank you for contacting Intel® Memory and Storage support.

Please take into consideration that our support is provided in English only, and we are machine-translating your message, meaning that we may lose the true meaning of the question.

Por favor tenga en cuenta que nuestro soporte se ofrece únicamente en inglés y estamos traduciendo su mensaje de forma automática, lo que significa que podríamos perder el verdadero significado de la pregunta.

As we understand, you are trying to set up your Intel® Optane™ Memory H10 with Solid State Storage (Intel® Optane™ Memory 16GB + Intel® QLC 3D NAND SSD 256GB, M.2 80mm PCIe 3.0) on your HP* 240 G7 Notebook. If we inferred correctly, please review and provide us with the following information:

• We advise you to check with HP* regarding compatibility and BIOS configuration to use the Optane H10.

• Based on your PC user manual ( The Optane memory listed as validated; is listed as the 1 TB, 5400 rpm + 16 GB PCIe Optane memory module, but we do not see the H10 family listed. We advise you to contact HP* to confirm compatibility.

• A picture of your Intel® Optane™ Memory H10 with Solid State Storage (Serial number and SA number).

We will follow up with you again on Friday, the 2nd of April 2021, if we do not receive an answer from you. Please let me know if you would like to schedule a different date for the follow-up.

We would be looking forward to your reply including this information.

Best regards,

Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician.

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Thanks for your reply. Yes, I am trying to use the Intel Optane drive again.
I describe again what happened:
1.- I purchased the Intel Optane unit and was able to install Windows 10 without any problems. I was also able to activate the 16GB Intel Optane memory without problem
2.- An error began to appear that said "the operating system cannot be found".
3.- I decided to reinstall Win 10 but I did not disable the Intel Optane memory. From the BIOS, I went to the NON OPTANE option. After this the SSD storage disappeared and it only showed me 14GB of memory but they cannot be activated for Intel Optane.
4.- I have reinstalled Win 10 several times on different disks, both HDD and SDD and I cannot get the Intel Optane memory to activate or the SSD storage to recognize me. In some of the times, the Intel RST application detected the SSD storage but it marked as an unavailable disk.
5.- I observed, on some of the occasions that I installed Win 10 with the Intel Optane unit connected, my laptop had a slow performance in addition to the fact that the installation was done on an HDD but when I removed the Intel Optane unit and rebooted it came out again the error that the drive was not found with the operating system.
6.- Finally, reinstall Win 10 on a 1TB capacity HDD without connecting the Intel Optane unit; update everything and then connect the Intel Optane unit and the RST application detected the 13 GB again and the option of "metadata cleaning" appeared. After cleaning my system remains the same ... without being able to activate the Intel Optane memory and without being recognized by the 256GB SSD storage. Also note that in "Device Management" the "NVMe Controller" driver marks Code 10 "This device cannot start" "Hardware error in an I / O adapter"

I really appreciate your support. I am attentive to your comments.

Nice day.

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Hello, ethebar.


Thank you for all the details and information.


The main reason why it is recommended to contact the OEM is to confirm compatibility with H10 and also the required settings in order for you to work with the Optane H10 module.


We understand you were able to set it up before, so that should be a good sign, but we are unaware of the specific settings that need to be changed in your BIOS.


For example, if you check our general Optane Installation guide, you will notice that Remapping must be disabled for H10 and Enable for Optane M-types (page 6):


So it is important to review the appropriate BIOS settings are since remapping could have a different name or location, and there are other adjustments you may need to take into consideration, with the main focus right now being to make sure bot portions of the H10 are recognized.


Now, regarding the usage you described, I understood that your goal is to install the OS in the SSD portion of the H10, and then use the Optane portion of the H10 to accelerate an HDD; if what I understood is correct, please keep in mind that the Optane portion of the H10 can only be used to accelerate the SSD portion, using it to accelerate a different storage drive is not supported/validated by us.


If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know, I will follow up on April 6th or we can schedule a different date if necessary.


Best regards,


Bruce C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Thanks for your reply. I have already contacted HP and in the first instance they told me that the reason is that I had not generated a RAID volume, which I think is incorrect. I think, as you mention, it must be something related to the BIOS. Regarding the use of the Intel Optane drive, my goal is not to use it to "speed up" a hard drive; my goal is to use it to install Win 10. I only want to use the HDD for storage.

Additionally I would like to comment that Intel Optane and Storage Management software sometimes detects the drive as PCIe Intel Optane Memory (13 GB) and other times as PCIe Intel Optane SSD Memory (13 GB). This happens when I restart my computer. I attach an image.  Does resetting the BIOS / CMOS work?

I wonder if there is no other solution that I can try to solve my problem?

Many greetings and thanks for your kind attention.

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Hello, ethebar.

Thank you for your reply.

It seems like a BIOS settings issue, and most of the time, the recommendation from the OEMs is to restore your system to factory defaults to reactivate the Optane acceleration.

Please, take into consideration that your Intel® Optane™ Memory H10 with Solid State Storage (Intel® Optane™ Memory 16GB + Intel® QLC 3D NAND SSD 256GB, M.2 80mm PCIe 3.0) on your HP* 240 G7 Notebook is meant to be set up with both parts the storage and the Optane memory to work together. The usage of just one without the other is not supported, and this usage may cause unknown errors and even data loss in the worst-case scenario.

The OEM hardware usually has custom firmware and different adjustments, or changes performed at the firmware level by the system manufacturer, to include or to limit certain features. All this said, your first point of contact should be the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

We will follow up with you again on Wednesday, the 7th of April 2021, if we do not receive an answer from you. Please let me know if you would like to schedule a different date for the follow-up.

Best regards,

Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician.

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Hello ethebar,

Greetings from; Intel® Memory and Storage support.

We were reviewing your community thread, which is related to your Intel® Optane™ Memory H10 with Solid State Storage. We would like to know if you need further assistance.

We will follow up with you again on Friday, the 9th of April 2021, if we do not receive an answer from you. Please let me know if you would like to schedule a different date for the follow-up.

Best regards,

Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician.

0 Kudos

Hello, thank you very much for the follow-up.

I have already contacted HP support. Unfortunately the support they have given me has been of very poor quality. They insist that it is not a BIOS problem. I even shared the link to this thread and so far I don't have a solution. I get the impression that, unlike the support and follow-up that you offer and that is very complete, it seems that they do not take the time to review the problem in detail.

It seems that my computer cannot access the advanced functions of the BIOS to verify that everything is configured correctly. I already tried to reset the BIOS via USB but something strange happens: when I do it with the Intel Optane unit installed it throws me an error and it is not possible to reset; when I did it without the memory installed, yes I was able to do it but it still does not recognize the Intel Optane drive.

There is something that catches my attention: in the BIOS the Intel Optane options are not active, additionally in the same BIOS in the Intel Rapid Storage options in the driver interface of the Intel Optane Unit it says TG and I do not know if it is correct it should be PCIe.

Again, I appreciate your help and follow-up. Hopefully they have some additional solution.

Many greetings.

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Hello, ethebar.

Thank you for your reply.

Based on the information you shared with us, your Intel® Optane™ Memory H10 with Solid State Storage is not able to be activated from the OS. Even when your BIOS can detect the Optane H10, you are not able to enable it. We strongly suggest you back up your information and restore your PC to the factory defaults. This to reactivate your Optane acceleration in an out-of-the-box state. 

We advise you to contact your OEM HP* to get instructions on how to complete this process. Or to take your PC to the authorized repair center of your OEM. We will not close this thread, and you can still post and share your findings with the community. If you need assistance related to an Intel® product, please do not hesitate to contact us back by opening a new thread, and please submit a new question. We will no longer monitor this thread.

We hope fellow community members have the knowledge to jump in and help.

Best regards,

Josh B.

Intel® Customer Support Technician.

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