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1348 Discussions

Intel Optane Memory Service - High CPU usage (previous solutions don't work)




Like other users, I've noticed that Intel(R) Optane(TM) Memory Service uses a lot of my CPU capacity on a daily basis, going up to 20% of it, which is a problem when I need this CPU capacity.


I've seen solutions, which consist in switching to Intel Optane Memory and Storage Management, as in this post for exemple :

Sadly, I can't figure out how to disable Optane acceleration, as I don't have access to any relevant application to do so. I can see the "Intel Optane Pinning Explorer Extensions" in the Applications section of the Parameters, but can't figure out how to open it to follow the instructions (i.e. disable optane acceleration).


I've also tried the instructions here ( but this ultimately led me to a Blue Screen after rebooting, after installing the Intel Rapid Storage Technology and uninstalling Intel Optane Pinning Explorer Extensions", with the error code "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME". Fortunately, I've been able to repair my system, which reinstalled Intel Optane Pinning Explorer Extensions.


Now I'm back at the start.


How can I cope with this Intel Optane Memory Service problem, please ?


Thanks for your time.

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3 Replies

Hello, Felix37.

Thank you for posting on the Intel community Support forums.

I received your case regarding the Optane service usage, and I will be reviewing this with you.

Please share a complete system report using the Intel SSU:

1. Download the Intel® System Support Utility and save the application to your system.

- Download:

2. Open the application and click Scan to see system and device information. The Intel® System Support Utility defaults to the Summary View on the output screen following the scan. Click the menu where it says summary to change to Detailed View.

3. To save your scan, click Next and click Save. You can save the file to any accessible location on your computer.

Did your system come with Optane Memory preinstalled? or did you purchase the Optane separately?

Have you performed any type of recent hardware or software changes?

What type of Optane is it? and is it accelerating an SSD or HDD?

- Optane types:

I will follow up on September 2nd in case additional time is required.


Bruce C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello, Felix37.

I wanted to follow up on this thread in case you had any questions regarding my previous post.

I will follow up again on September 7th before closing the thread if there is no response.


Bruce C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello, Felix37.

Good day,

This post is to inform you about the closure if this community thread.

I previously tried to gather additional system details to properly diagnose the issue, but there was no response after I tried to follow up.

The thread will be closed right now and no longer monitored by Intel support. If you require any type of assistance from Intel in the future, please open a new thread, or contact us using any of the available support methods:



Bruce C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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