Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17039 Discussions

32-bit Quartus Prime Standalone Programmer

Honored Contributor II



I understand that Quartus hasn't been available for 32-bit since version 14 - but I am looking for the 32-bit version of the standalone programmer which appears to be a thing judging from this page ( (see note 4) and this page ( (quartus prime programmer and tools (32-bit))Upon installing the 32-bit version, however, I am unable to start either the programmer or the command line programmer - quartus_pgm.exe - as they are "Not a valid Win32 application", having tried on several 32-bit machines. 


Maybe I'm just missing something but it seems to me that the "32-bit" version available from the download page does not provide the 32-bit programmer.:confused: 


Any help is appreciated, thanks!
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You're talking about two different things. You can download the Quartus Prime Programmer, which includes SignalTap, for free so you can program devices and debug them without a license. You can't do any design, though. The Quartus Prime Lite Edition is the actual Quartus software for creating FPGA designs, but it is missing some features of the Standard Edition and only supports MAX and Cyclone devices. The license options in Lite allow you to upgrade to Standard, I believe. 


printed circuit assembly (
0 Kudos

Dude, you don't need to impress us with all your knowledge.

The fact is that when we download a package that is supposed to be 32 a 32 bit package, there is a component in there that Windows is flagging as not be a 32 bit application.

The question was:  Where can we get a 32 bit version of "quartus_pgmw.exe"

If you can answer that, then you are helping.

Thank you.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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I understand that Quartus hasn't been available for 32-bit since version 14 - but I am looking for the 32-bit version of the standalone programmer which appears to be a thing judging from this page ( (see note 4) and this page ( (quartus prime programmer and tools (32-bit))Upon installing the 32-bit version, however, I am unable to start either the programmer or the command line programmer - quartus_pgm.exe - as they are "Not a valid Win32 application", having tried on several 32-bit machines. 


Maybe I'm just missing something but it seems to me that the "32-bit" version available from the download page does not provide the 32-bit programmer.:confused: 


Any help is appreciated, thanks! 

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hi, did you solve this? 

Im facing this problem too. :(
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