Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
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QSYS simulation error when using VHDL testbench simulation model

Honored Contributor II



I'm running a simulation on a simple QSYS system. 


The QSYS system is the same as the one used in the AN351 application "Simulating Nios II Embedded Processor Designs", having a clock source, Nios II Processor, On-chip RAM and JTAG UART. 



The "Create testbench Qsysy system" is set to: Simple, BFMs for clocks and resets". 


The "Hello World" SW application is created in Eclipse SBT and used as stimulus for the QSYS system.  


As long as I select Verilog for the "Create testbench simulation model", the simulation runs as it should, the JTAG UART prints out "Hello World" to the console durring the simulation. 



If I change the "Create testbench simulation model" to VHDL, generate and try to run the simulation, I'm getting the following error message: 

# -- Compiling entity niosii_system_nios2_instruction_master_translator_avalon_universal_master_0_agent# ** Error: (vcom-7) Failed to open library file "C:\an351_design\software\hello_world_an351\obj\default\runtime\sim\mentor\libraries\niosii_system_tb_nios2_instruction_master_translator_avalon_universal_master_0_agent/niosii_system_nios2_instruction_master_translator_avalon_universal_master_0_agent" in read/write/execute mode.# No such file or directory. (errno = ENOENT)# ** Error: C:/an351_design/niosii_system/testbench/niosii_system_tb/simulation/submodules/niosii_system_nios2_instruction_master_translator_avalon_universal_master_0_agent.vho(58): VHDL Compiler exiting# C:/altera/11.1/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/vcom failed. 


I tried following the path inorder to locate the "niosii_system_nios2_instruction_master_translator_avalon_universal_master_0_agent" file, but I could not find it 


Does anyone know whats going on here? 


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