Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16969 Discussions

Questions: Intel oneAPI 24.2 with DE10-Agilex and Related Environment setup


Regarding version compatibility issues with Intel FPGA development environment, I have the following questions:
I'm using the Terasic DE10-Agilex Kit, initially with oneAPI version 22.1. When attempting to upgrade to the latest oneAPI 24.2, I encountered compatibility issues - the generated binary files are not working correctly. This contradicts Intel's official documentation----Intel® oneAPI FPGA Acceleration Card Support, which indicates oneAPI support for this development board.
Regarding the FPGA development workflow, I understand that BSP and Quartus must work together to convert System Verilog IP to RTL circuits. However, Intel recently announced the discontinuation of support for specific older Quartus versions (such as 21.2/21.4). Does this mean that development kits using these Quartus versions will not be compatible with the new oneAPI 24.2?
I've also noticed that Intel's cloud development platform has migrated to Triber AI Cloud, but I cannot find FPGA-related development resources in its hardware directory.
My core questions are:
Is there a definitive version compatibility matrix detailing how new versions of oneAPI support various FPGA development boards (such as DE10-Agilex, Bittware 520N-MX, etc.)?
Does the new version of oneAPI have backward compatibility? Will it support previous FPGA development boards if the configuration is correct?

0 Kudos
1 Solution

Hello Feng,

I'm sorry for the trouble you've been having. We test the compiler against a reference BSP on devkit hardware, but it is ultimately up to board vendors to validate that their hardware and firmware work with the latest oneAPI compiler release. If Terasic only validates 2022.1, then that is the only version that is officially known to work with that card.

Having said that, my colleague was able to successfully compile your design using

  • Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
  • oneAPI 2024.1
  • Quartus® Prime Pro 21.2
  • the Terasic BSP

He saw the same license issue with oneAPI 2024.2.

I suggest as a last resort that you remove other versions of the Quartus® Prime and oneAPI software, leaving only oneAPI 2024.1 and Quartus® Prime Pro 21.2.

I have personally experienced issues with license files that were not configured correctly. For example, a Quartus fixed license only works for a machine whose ethernet MAC address matches the ID embedded in the license file. This means that a license file for my workstation will not work for your workstation. From your Terasic email chain that you shared, it sounds like you may be using a liceense0046.dat from a different machine, rather than one that they specifically made for you:

How did you get the license0046.dat before? There are not any previous emails communication with you that we send you this license file.

View solution in original post

0 Kudos
22 Replies

Hello, thanks for the question; sorry for the slow reply!

> The generated binary files are not working correctly

Can you please elaborate some more on this? What OS are you using? What driver/BSP do you have? What version of Quartus® Prime are you using? When you say 'oneAPI 24.2', should I assume you mean oneAPI 2024.2 base toolkit + FPGA Support Package version 2024.2?

> Intel recently announced the discontinuation of support for specific older Quartus versions (such as 21.2/21.4). Does this mean that development kits using these Quartus versions will not be compatible with the new oneAPI 24.2?

That is correct. Boards whose BSPs are not kept up to date and compatible with a version of Quartus® Prime from the past 2 years will not be supported by the FPGA Acceleration flow.


Is there a definitive version compatibility matrix detailing how new versions of oneAPI support various FPGA development boards (such as DE10-Agilex, Bittware 520N-MX, etc.)?

Yes, it is on our homepage:

Additional Cards Available from Partner Vendors 

0 Kudos

Hi whitepau

Thanks for your kind reply.

>System details:

 Here are my enviro details:

 20.04 Ubuntu

 Quartus® Prime Pro 21.2

 BSP version: B2E2_8GBx4
 OneAPI 2024.2 base toolkit
 FPGA Support Package version 2024.2, this seems not installed;

I will upgrade the OS to 22.04 Ubuntu and install the  FPGA Support Package. 
Before my test, I want to check the oneAPI 24.2 is compatible with DE10-Agilex. My issue is about the system environments.


>That is correct. Boards whose BSPs are not kept up to date and compatible with a version of Quartus® Prime from the past 2 years will not be supported by the FPGA Acceleration flow.

I find that Quartus 24.2 can support the DE10-Agilex bitstreams file; I am unsure whether this Quartus can, together with BSP version B2E2_8GBx4, in the FPGA Acceleration flow. Or can the B2E2_8GBx4 only support Quartus 21.2?

In conclusion, the work enviro for OneAPI: 24.2 on DE10-Agilex is as follows:

 22.04 Ubuntu

 Quartus® Prime Pro 22.3-24.2

 BSP version: B2E2_8GBx4
 OneAPI 2024.2 base toolkit
 FPGA Support Package version 2024.2

One more thing:
So far, does only the PAC D5005 board support USM functions in OneAPI?



0 Kudos

please make sure you install the FPGA support package for 2024.2 and beyond

According to Terasic's documentation, you should use Quartus® Prime 21.2 with their BSP.


The work enviro for OneAPI: 24.2 on DE10-Agilex is should be as follows:

 22.04 20.04 Ubuntu

 Quartus® Prime Pro 22.3-24.2 21.2

 BSP version: B2E2_8GBx4
 OneAPI 2024.2 base toolkit
 FPGA Support Package version 2024.2

0 Kudos

I searched for the FPGA support package 2024.2 but could not find it on the Intel website today, which may have been provided one week ago.

The download link is only for 25.0.  However, the oneAPI base toolkit provided the different versions, 24.2/25.0, for download.




0 Kudos

You can download the 2024.2 FPGA support package via the apt package manager:

Install Compiler Components for Altera FPGA Development Flows

Instead of getting intel-oneapi-compiler-fpga, search for intel-oneapi-compiler-fpga-2024.2 or something like that.


Don't forget to set up the package manager sources:

Set up APT Package Manager



0 Kudos

I installed the intel-oneapi-compiler-fpga and intel-oneapi-base-toolkit, both 24.2

I can successfully passed aocl diagnosed

When I try the binary generation, get the following errors:

Error (292014): Can't find valid feature line for core adjust_plls_ag_pxx (535C_0046) (Vendor: Terasic) in current license.
Internal Error: Sub-system: QEXE, File: /quartus/comp/qexe/qexe_framework.cpp, Line: 1964
Error (23035): Tcl error:
Error (23031): Evaluation of Tcl script scripts/post_flow_pr.tcl unsuccessful
Error: Quartus Prime Compiler Database Interface was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 0 warnings
Error: Peak virtual memory: 797 megabytes
Error: Processing ended: Tue Nov 5 17:56:00 2024
Error: Elapsed time: 00:04:45
Error: System process ID: 25198
Error (23035): Tcl error:
Error (23031): Evaluation of Tcl script compile_script.tcl unsuccessful
Error: Quartus Prime Compiler Database Interface was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 0 warnings
Error: Peak virtual memory: 797 megabytes
Error: Processing ended: Tue Nov 5 17:56:00 2024
Error: Elapsed time: 01:20:45
Error: System process ID: 4863

The $LM_LICENSE_FILE is set to the correct location.

The Quartus version is pro 21.2.
BSP: B2E2_8GBx4

0 Kudos

That sounds like there is some IP in Terasic's BSP that requires a license. I searched their website for a oneAPI manual, and found this:

DE10-Agilex (revC) OneAPI User Manual


(from DE10-Agilex Development Kit


It looks like you need to get the BSP license from them and add it to your $LM_LICENSE_PATH.




0 Kudos

This is the detail that confused me about whether the oneapi 24.2 supported DE10_Agilex. I tried this for half a year, from time to time.


>>>>>>The $LM_LICENSE_FILE is set to the correct location.
I set it according to the manual, as I said before.


Once I got the error message, the first step I took was to check the licence setup.

I can use the oneapi 22.1 successfully with the set-up guide provided by the manual but always failed with 24.2.


I searched the Error (292014) online and found some other conditions that the Quartus needs to be set(I'm not sure).

0 Kudos

Subject: RE: DE10-Agilex BSP License Issue - Additional Testing Information

I would like to share additional testing information regarding the DE10-Agilex BSP license issue:

1. Environment Setup Status:
   - As per Teras ic's manual, $LM_LICENSE_FILE has been properly configured
   - QUARTUS_ROOTDIR_OVERRIDE is correctly set to point to the Quartus installation, same as the 2022.1 environment pointed file.

2. Current Testing Results:
   - I have a fully functional environment with oneAPI 22.1 on the same system
   - With oneAPI 24.2, I can successfully:
     * Run 'aocl diagnose'
     * Generate emulation files
     * Generate report files
   - However, FPGA binary generation fails consistently with this error:

Error (292014): Can't find valid feature line for core adjust_plls_ag_pxx (535C_0046) (Vendor: Terasic) in current license.
Error (23035): Tcl error:
Error (23031): Evaluation of Tcl script scripts/post_flow_pr.tcl unsuccessful
Error: Quartus Prime Compiler Database Interface was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 0 warnings
3. Test Cases:
   - Using samples from oneAPI 2024.2 GitHub repository
   - Tested both 'fpga_compile' project and 'printf' project from features directory
   - Both tests produce identical errors

Best regards,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: support02 <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2024 at 21:06
Subject: Re: Subject: DE10-Agilex BSP License Issue - Error 292014
To: Feng Yan <>
Cc: <>, <>

Hi Feng,

To be honest we don't test to verify if license0046.dat is still working in new version Quartus and new oneAPI toolkit 2024, it's just a unverified suggestion for you to use new version Quartus.


在 2024/11/6 15:16, Feng Yan 写道:
Hi Ice
The license was in the lab workstation, which our lab technician provided. I am doing PhD at the University of Auckland in Parallel and Reconfigurable Computing Lab.
I want to check if the new version of Quartus(like 2022.3) uses the same license file( license0046.dat) before my test.

On Wed, 6 Nov 2024 at 19:24, support02 <> wrote:

Hi Feng,

How did you get the license0046.dat before? There are not any previous emails communication with you that we send you this license file.

We also advise you to use a newer version of Quartus to test, check if you will get the same error.


在 2024/11/6 10:41, Feng Yan 写道:
Hi Ice
Here is the screenshot, the same as the bottom of the attachment in the first email.

Previously, the license0046.dat was loaded into the local lab's workstation. I have also used the 2022.2 Oneapi successfully previously with this set.


I encountered this error when I tried to upgrade the oneapi to 2024.2. According to my discussion with Intel support, DE10_Agilex should also support with this version oneapi.

On Wed, 6 Nov 2024 at 15:23, support02 <> wrote:

Hi Feng,

We think your license file isn't set correctly, how did you get the license0046.dat before? Please provide screenshot for the result of echo $LM_LICENSE_FILE.

By the way, did you test our oneAPI BSP v21.2 with oneAPI toolkit 2022 and the same license0046.dat setting successfully?


在 2024/11/6 9:42, Feng Yan 写道:

Hi Ice,

Thank you for your prompt response. I would like to clarify a few points regarding my license issue:

  1. I have already set up the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable as per the manual's Section 3.3, and I can confirm the variable is pointing to the correct license0046.dat file location (verified through echo $LM_LICENSE_FILE).
  2. However, I'm still encountering this specific error: Error (292014): Can't find valid feature line for core adjust_plls_ag_pxx (535C_0046) (Vendor: Terasic)

Given that I have properly set up the Terasic license file, I would like to understand:

  • Is this particular error still within Terasic's scope, or should it be handled by Intel support since it relates to PLL IP core functionality?

Your guidance on whether this is a Terasic license issue or an Intel Quartus compatibility matter..

Best regards


On Wed, 6 Nov 2024 at 14:10, support02 <> wrote:

Dear Feng,

Thanks for using DE10-Agilex board.

An additional license is required when customer use our oneAPI BSP v21.2, please see the attached license file. You can refer to section 3.3 Setup License for BSP of our DE10-Agilex OneAPI User Manual to set it. However we aren't sure if it will solve your issue as you are using oneAPI 24.2 base toolkit.

Best Regards,


在 2024/11/6 6:24, Feng Yan 写道:
Dear Terasic Technical Support,

I am using the DE10-Agilex development board with the following setup:
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Intel oneAPI 24.2 base toolkit
- Quartus Prime Pro 21.2
- BSP version: B2E2_8GBx4

While attempting to generate binaries, I'm encountering the following error despite having set up $LM_LICENSE_FILE according to the manual:

Error (292014): Can't find valid feature line for core adjust_plls_ag_pxx (535C_0046) (Vendor: Terasic)

Could you please:
1. Confirm if there are additional license requirements for this specific IP core?
2. Provide guidance on resolving this license-related error?

Thank you for your assistance. Other details can be find through this link, my discussion with Intel support:

Best regards,
0 Kudos

Thanks for checking with Terasic. We don't normally test with the Terasic DE10-Agilex cards.

I see that we observe the same issue with oneAPI 2024.2 and the Terasic BSP, however oneAPI 2024.1 appears to compile successfully (as noted in You can download the 2024.1 basekit from linux package repositories the same way you downloaded 2024.2, except you don't need to install a separate FPGA support package.

0 Kudos

~$ apt-cache policy intel-oneapi-base-toolkit
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 2025.0.0-884
Version table:
2025.0.0-884 500
500 all/main amd64 Packages

When I tried installing it with apt, it seemed only to have the 2025.0 version.

I use the online installation for 2024.2 because the Get the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit web only provides these two versions.


Could you please offer the link for 2024.1 downloads, online installer, offline installer, and apt download link both OK?


0 Kudos

I read the linked attached discussion, but I do not see a successful reply.

I get the same error as before with 24.2; I cut from the quartus_sh_compile.log file:

Error (292014): Can't find valid feature line for core adjust_plls_ag_pxx (535C_0046) (Vendor: Terasic) in current license.
Internal Error: Sub-system: QEXE, File: /quartus/comp/qexe/qexe_framework.cpp, Line: 1964
Input TCL is not properly encrypted by altcrypt

Error (23035): Tcl error:
while executing
"qexec "quartus_cdb -t scripts/adjust_plls_ag_pxx.tcl""
(file "scripts/post_flow_pr.tcl" line 59)
Error (23031): Evaluation of Tcl script scripts/post_flow_pr.tcl unsuccessful
Error: Quartus Prime Compiler Database Interface was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 0 warnings
Error: Peak virtual memory: 797 megabytes
Error: Processing ended: Sat Nov 9 13:43:01 2024
Error: Elapsed time: 00:04:46
Error: System process ID: 214522

Error (23035): Tcl error:
while executing
"qexec "quartus_cdb -t scripts/post_flow_pr.tcl \"$top_path\"""
invoked from within
"if {$revision_name eq "top"} {

post_message "Compiling top revision..."

# Load OpenCL BSP utility functions
source "$sdk_root/ip/board/bsp/ope..."
(file "compile_script.tcl" line 39)
Error (23031): Evaluation of Tcl script compile_script.tcl unsuccessful
Error: Quartus Prime Compiler Database Interface was unsuccessful. 2 errors, 0 warnings
Error: Peak virtual memory: 797 megabytes
Error: Processing ended: Sat Nov 9 13:43:01 2024
Error: Elapsed time: 01:20:26
Error: System process ID: 203816


I also check the $LM_LICENSE_FILE before my test.


I suffered from these processes in the past year trying and testing. And now back to my initial confusion:

What is the work environment for OneAPI: 24.2/24.1 on DE10-Agilex?
Or does the DE10_Agilex only work with  OneAPI22.1?






0 Kudos

Hello Feng,

I'm sorry for the trouble you've been having. We test the compiler against a reference BSP on devkit hardware, but it is ultimately up to board vendors to validate that their hardware and firmware work with the latest oneAPI compiler release. If Terasic only validates 2022.1, then that is the only version that is officially known to work with that card.

Having said that, my colleague was able to successfully compile your design using

  • Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
  • oneAPI 2024.1
  • Quartus® Prime Pro 21.2
  • the Terasic BSP

He saw the same license issue with oneAPI 2024.2.

I suggest as a last resort that you remove other versions of the Quartus® Prime and oneAPI software, leaving only oneAPI 2024.1 and Quartus® Prime Pro 21.2.

I have personally experienced issues with license files that were not configured correctly. For example, a Quartus fixed license only works for a machine whose ethernet MAC address matches the ID embedded in the license file. This means that a license file for my workstation will not work for your workstation. From your Terasic email chain that you shared, it sounds like you may be using a liceense0046.dat from a different machine, rather than one that they specifically made for you:

How did you get the license0046.dat before? There are not any previous emails communication with you that we send you this license file.

0 Kudos

Hi Whitepau


Thanks for your help and reply.



Having said that, my colleague was able to successfully compile your design using

  • Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
  • oneAPI 2024.1
  • Quartus® Prime Pro 21.2
  • the Terasic BSP



I tested with the enviro since last week(oneapi 2024.1).  Differently, I can successfully generate a simulator file and execute it.


However, the binary file still has the same tcl error. I got the reply from terasic support just now, the license file is not for a specific machine:


Hi Feng,

The license0046.dat isn't for specific machine, it's irrelevant to customers' machine MAC address either.

I'm afraid that we haven't other license, as we didn't test it with oneAPI 2024.2, current we haven't solution on how to fix the error.

Our advice is using oneAPI 2022.2 with our official oneAPI BSP, if our engineers upgrade our BSP to oneAPI 2024.2, we will share it to you for testing.

Hope your understanding.


May I check that you have the $LM_LICENSE_FILE value?

All my setups only targeted the license0046.dat.

fyan691@Agilex02:~$ aoc -version
Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM), 64-Bit Offline Compiler
Version 2024.1.0 Build a5022661d62a60f2aaead3503b860ef1d8dbe4a7 Pro Edition
Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation
fyan691@Agilex02:~$ icpx --version
Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler 2024.1.2 (2024.1.2.20240508)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.1/bin/compiler
Configuration file: /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.1/bin/compiler/../icpx.cfg


I also ask help from my lab technician about the enviro setup:



I checked Intel’s reply and got the information that you were looking for.

Not sure, but I think we already made their suggestion


  • Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
  • oneAPI 2024.1
  • Quartus® Prime Pro 21.2
  • the Terasic BSP


But except for the license0046.dat file. Do you think you can reach out to Terasic if what Intel referring is true? We can provide the MAC addresses if we need to.





0 Kudos

Hi whitepau


I wanted to express my sincere thanks for your patient guidance over the past month. With your help, I've completed the machine reset and test file generation.

Your expertise and willingness to help have been invaluable, and I truly appreciate all your support.


Best regards,



0 Kudos

Thank you Feng! 

Were you able to generate a bitstream using 2024.1 and Quartus® Prime 21.2 by removing other versions?

For what it's worth, I was actually able to generate a bitstream using oneAPI 2024.2 and Quartus® Prime 21.2 on one of our lab machines using a fresh installation. For the record, this was with -DPART=4 in the fpga_compile code sample.

# Set up environment
 $ source /opt/intel/oneapi/2024.2/ --force
 $ export PATH="$PATH:/opt/intel/FPGA_pro/21.2/quartus/bin"
 $ which quartus
 $ cd oneAPI-samples/DirectProgramming/C++SYCL_FPGA/Tutorials/GettingStarted/fpga_compile/build_2024.2/
 $ aoc -version
Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM), 64-Bit Offline Compiler
Version 2024.2.1 Build 8907061a4a7bb8b03783e9f52adc9762aaf4d91d Pro Edition
Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation

# use CMake to generate build script and build FPGA device image
 $ cmake .. -DPART=4 -DFPGA_DEVICE=de10_agilex:B2E2_8GBx4
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 19.0.0
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /opt/intel/oneapi/2024.2/bin/icpx
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /opt/intel/oneapi/2024.2/bin/icpx -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Sources file part4_dpcpp_lambda_buffers/src/vector_add.cpp
-- Configuring the design to run on FPGA board de10_agilex:B2E2_8GBx4
-- Additional USER_FPGA_FLAGS=
-- Additional USER_FLAGS=
-- Additional USER_INCLUDE_PATHS=../../../../include
-- Additional USER_LIB_PATHS=
-- Additional USER_LIBS=
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/whitepau/oneAPI-samples/DirectProgramming/C++SYCL_FPGA/Tutorials/GettingStarted/fpga_compile/build_2024.2
 $ time make fpga
[ 33%] To compile manually:
/opt/intel/oneapi/2024.2/bin/icpx -I../../../../../include -fsycl -fintelfpga -Wall -qactypes -DFPGA_HARDWARE -c ../part4_dpcpp_lambda_buffers/src/vector_add.cpp -o CMakeFiles/fpga.dir/part4_dpcpp_lambda_buffers/src/vector_add.cpp.o
To link manually:
/opt/intel/oneapi/2024.2/bin/icpx -fsycl -fintelfpga -qactypes -Xshardware -Xstarget=de10_agilex:B2E2_8GBx4 -reuse-exe=/home/whitepau/oneAPI-samples/DirectProgramming/C++SYCL_FPGA/Tutorials/GettingStarted/fpga_compile/build_2024.2/vector_add.fpga -o vector_add.fpga CMakeFiles/fpga.dir/part4_dpcpp_lambda_buffers/src/vector_add.cpp.o
[ 33%] Built target displayFPGACompileCommands
[ 66%] Linking CXX executable vector_add.fpga
warning: -reuse-exe file '/home/whitepau/oneAPI-samples/DirectProgramming/C++SYCL_FPGA/Tutorials/GettingStarted/fpga_compile/build_2024.2/vector_add.fpga' not found; ignored
aoc: Compiling for FPGA. This process may take several hours to complete.  Prior to performing this compile, be sure to check the reports to ensure the design will meet your performance targets.  If the reports indicate performance targets are not being met, code edits may be required.  Please refer to the oneAPI FPGA Optimization Guide for information on performance tuning applications for FPGAs.
[100%] Built target fpga
real    139m54.261s
user    358m27.793s
sys     27m7.830s


0 Kudos

Hi whitepau



Were you able to generate a bitstream using 2024.1 and Quartus® Prime 21.2 by removing other versions?


By now, the 2024.1.0 oneapi toolkit has been working in Ubuntu20.04 with Quartus® Prime 21.2.


Thanks for your test result; a perfect test with 2024.2.1 oneAPI.


Is it possible to provide the docker image of such an environment(2024.2.1 oneapi) for DE10_Agilex?


Additionally, does the work environment work in Ubuntu22 or ubuntu20?



0 Kudos

My machine is Ubuntu 20.04.


no docker image is available.

0 Kudos

Hi whitepau


After a refresh installation, the 2024.2.1 oneapi toolkit can also support DE10_Agilex.


I tried almost all different reinstall parts combinations (software/BSP/driver) in the past year from time to time and failed.


The specific reason why this has not been fixed. However, the system-level fresh installation can fix the tcl error.




0 Kudos

thanks for checking, Feng. I'm glad you have a working installation now.

0 Kudos