Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
16666 Discussions

RBF converison for S10 dev board


I'm running a conversion to create the rbf for the S10 dev board:


quartus_pfg -c Test_S10Dev.sof ghrd.jic -o device=MT25QU02G -o flash_loader=1SX280HU2F50E1VGAS -o hps_path=u-boot-spl-dtb.hex -o mode=ASX4 -o hps=1


I compiled the sof using Quartus 24.1. When I run the conversion using quartus_pfg from the 24.1 bin folder and put the generated rbf on the SD card to I get an error during boot: 


Error sending bitstream!
Command 'load' failed: Error -110


When I run the same conversion command but using the quartus_pfg in my 23.1 bin folder and use that rbf file on the SD card then it loads the S10 with no issues.

The hex file I'm using is from:

Here's the output for 24.1:


Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus Prime Programming File Generator
    Info: Version 24.1.0 Build 115 03/21/2024 SC Pro Edition
    Info: Copyright (C) 2024  Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Info: Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
    Info: and other software and tools, and any partner logic
    Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
    Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any
    Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject
    Info: to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
    Info: Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
    Info: the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
    Info: agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
    Info: the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
    Info: Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please
    Info: refer to the Intel FPGA Software License Subscription Agreements
    Info: on the Quartus Prime software download page.
    Info: Processing started: Mon Apr  8 14:38:52 2024
    Info: System process ID: 46732
Info: Command: quartus_pfg -c Test_S10Dev.sof ghrd.jic -o device=MT25QU02G -o flash_loader=1SX280HU2F50E1VGAS -o hps_path=u-boot-spl-dtb.hex -o mode=ASX4 -o hps=1
Add bootloader data in the SOF
Info (19848): HPS IO hash is 4ED0BD0F53E50A326808427BC3F29C696C34425B5339F7AD63E10AB26F146AF8
Info (19848): Keyed hash is 539431D6BEA5340DC297322B68561C7B5368B6538714B3EF69796BEE5589D1DB
Info (19848): HPS IO hash is 4ED0BD0F53E50A326808427BC3F29C696C34425B5339F7AD63E10AB26F146AF8
Info (19848): Keyed hash is 4825F9B61B49A5950691E7746E2DA41AC484E38E33EF180E4DEA4CEF5FE4F15C
Info (19848): Regular SEU info => 105 sector(s), 8 thread(s), 10000000 interval time in microsecond(s)
Info (19848): IO hash is 81940DB64655272622C671AB63DA7E86938CD0C63900D3D2FDA27C6F3204D1E9
Info (19848): HPS IO hash is 4ED0BD0F53E50A326808427BC3F29C696C34425B5339F7AD63E10AB26F146AF8
Info (19848): Keyed hash is 1F1E2F2D11AE7141EDCBCF42A63C4BB160A6AD6DCB24000D4FC4ED1AFC96EE83
Info (19848): Design hash is 933BA36E5EBF4B80DC19A34405B6B1F48AC588EDD931CB55405A694BF531E651
Info (19848): IO hash is 81940DB64655272622C671AB63DA7E86938CD0C63900D3D2FDA27C6F3204D1E9
Info (19848): Keyed hash is 11607BFCF45E36381EB7994EE0C06EA55F5F4D75BDB1FEF46CAAF82FB371A1EC
Info: Quartus Prime Programming File Generator was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings
    Info: Peak virtual memory: 4075 megabytes
    Info: Processing ended: Mon Apr  8 14:39:20 2024
    Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:28
    Info: System process ID: 46732


and from 23.1:


Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus Prime Programming File Generator
    Info: Version 23.1.0 Build 115 03/30/2023 SC Pro Edition
    Info: Copyright (C) 2023  Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Info: Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions 
    Info: and other software and tools, and any partner logic 
    Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing 
    Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any 
    Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject 
    Info: to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License 
    Info: Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
    Info: the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
    Info: agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
    Info: the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
    Info: Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors.  Please
    Info: refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at
    Info: Processing started: Mon Apr  8 14:43:08 2024
    Info: System process ID: 441646
Info: Command: quartus_pfg -c Test_S10Dev.sof ghrd.jic -o device=MT25QU02G -o flash_loader=1SX280HU2F50E1VGAS -o hps_path=u-boot-spl-dtb.hex -o mode=ASX4 -o hps=1
Add bootloader data in the SOF
Info (19848): HPS IO hash is 4ED0BD0F53E50A326808427BC3F29C696C34425B5339F7AD63E10AB26F146AF8
Info (19848): Keyed hash is DC9801CB84A048B0E4D1B4C9A33153CD9C03824063D2EDA8B4771AD9E7EEFB3B
Info (19848): HPS IO hash is 4ED0BD0F53E50A326808427BC3F29C696C34425B5339F7AD63E10AB26F146AF8
Info (19848): Keyed hash is B361899179006880DBDE0A5E0C6F582D763A65E835AE8E6D84C3C47EFDC75096
Info (19848): Regular SEU info => 105 sector(s), 8 thread(s), 10000000 interval time in microsecond(s)
Info (19848): IO hash is 81940DB64655272622C671AB63DA7E86938CD0C63900D3D2FDA27C6F3204D1E9
Info (19848): HPS IO hash is 4ED0BD0F53E50A326808427BC3F29C696C34425B5339F7AD63E10AB26F146AF8
Info (19848): Keyed hash is EC4FBADA8B4EB5C2B020B66D20E3301B50652981C1282BA68E857EC388A6DC14
Info (19848): Design hash is 933BA36E5EBF4B80DC19A34405B6B1F48AC588EDD931CB55405A694BF531E651
Info (19848): IO hash is 81940DB64655272622C671AB63DA7E86938CD0C63900D3D2FDA27C6F3204D1E9
Info (19848): Keyed hash is A92EC721B93A0CBE44181668591AFFD9DB5C681F6DAB0057BB9049E479AC5ADB
Info: Quartus Prime Programming File Generator was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings
    Info: Peak virtual memory: 4583 megabytes
    Info: Processing ended: Mon Apr  8 14:43:48 2024
    Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:40
    Info: System process ID: 441646


Anything I need to be doing different on 24.1 to make this work?

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0 Kudos
3 Replies


Allow me some time to look into this issue, I shall get back to you soon.

0 Kudos


We confirmed that it is an expected behavior on our end.

It seems like both first stage and second stage bitstreams need to be generated from the same quartus version.


Jingyang, Teh

0 Kudos


Since there are no feedback for this thread, I shall set this thread to close pending. Please login to ‘’, view details of the desire request, and post a feed/response within the next 15 days to allow me to continue to support you. After 15 days, this thread will be transitioned to community support. The community users will be able to help you on your follow-up questions.

If you happened to close this thread you might receive a survey. If you think you would rank your support experience less than 4 out of 10, please allow me to correct it before closing or if the problem can’t be corrected, please let me know the cause so that I may improve your future service experience.


Jingyang, Teh

0 Kudos