Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)
17033 Discussions

USB Blaster not recognized in Windows 7

Honored Contributor II

I downloaded Version 17, standard edition (17.0.0 Build 595). I had been using version 16. I used both simultaneously, but later uninstalled Version 16. Before I uninstalled V16 I was using USB Blaster. 

Now, when I run either signal tap or programmer, I am not given USB Blaster as an option, only Masterblaster (which I do not have). 

Since I may have uninstalled the driver when I uninstalled V16, I followed the instructions for installing the drivers in Windows 7.  

When I look at device drivers I "Altera USB Blaster" listed under Universal Serial Bus Controllers. I do not see it listed under Ports (COM and LTP), even when it is plugged in.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

well the USB Blaster does not appear as a COM LPT Port, it just shows up in the device manager under "USB Controller"... As it Shows up there (assuming without exclamation mark to indicate Driver issues), that part seems pretty ok. 

Try to start the programmer (Quartus => Tool => Programmer) and check if it is showing up there as available Hardware item)
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Honored Contributor II

The whole problem was that it never showed up as an available Hardware item when running either the programmer or signal tap. Only Master Blaster (which I have never used) shows up. 


I downloaded and installed the stand alone programmer. Doing this installed the drivers. Now both the programmer and signal tap work. 

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