Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys)

problem in Fitter

Honored Contributor II



I am using Quartus 9.1 Service Pack 1 Web Edition. 


The device is Cyclone III, EP3C16E144I7 


The summary of my design is : 


Total logic elements 15338/15408 (100%) 

Total combinational functions 15204/15408 (99%) 

Dedicated logic registers 7999/15408 (52%) 


But the Fiiter is not successful, which says: 


Fitter requires 966 LABs to implement the project, but the device contains only 963 LABs. 



Why is that? From the summary, it seems I have not exceeded the capacity of the device. What is the relation between logic elements and LABs? 


Thank you!
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Basically the LAB's are a routing resource for interconnection that you have over-utilized.  


Typically, when you are not 100% full, it can also use LE's for routing, but in your case, you have already used almost all the LE's. Try moving some of you logic to ram blocks if you can. 

or reducing the design by optimizing for area versus speed. Or remove non-critical logic. 


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