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Intel Developer Cloud JupyterHub Beta Servers Issues!


Hello Intel Developer Cloud Community/Support


i hope you're all doing well


so i'm not sure why there seems to be just too many issues regarding the Intel Developer Cloud services these days when it was working just fine for me for the past 10 days


now i'm having two more new issues that i would like to post and shed some light about


so the first and main issue is the Intel Developer Cloud Beta (JupyterHub) servers that had the "4 Hour server limit with 20 initial days of access"


now whenever i want to try to launch one in my account i keep getting the error message "Internal server error", i have provided a screenshot of that


for the second issue i don't have a screenshot but it's something that happened to me when i had access to the servers


is actually an issue with Ports


so the administrators do not give us (free-users) any sudo access or to the sudoers files and i understand that may be for security reasons


but what i would like to request from them is to at least open the space a little bit and let people like me with some Python2 and Python3 projects to be able to run things more in exchange of not having sudo access


so why are the ports: 80, 443 (HTTP, HTTPS) are all blocked? in the servers cause i would've liked to do my testings on these specific ports as my code does not support any other ports


i'll be waiting if (ever) these issues would be resolved, that would be highly appericiated and would be great, but if not then i guess i did what i could



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2 Replies

Hi RobVenco,

Thank you for reaching out to us.


From my end, I'm currently able to access the Intel® Max Series GPU (PVC) on 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® processors - 1100 series (4x) (JupyterHub* Batch Processing/Scheduled access) and launch JupyterLab without issue:

 Screenshot (446).png

Are you still facing issue with the JupyterHub Batch Processing instance at the moment? If so, do let us know so that we can investigate this issue further.


For your information, Intel® Developer Cloud only allows Bare Metal Instances port 443 to be open for public IP.






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Hi RobVenco,

Thank you for your question. If you need any additional information from Intel, please submit a new question as this thread is no longer being monitored.





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