Intel® Tiber Developer Cloud
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Intel Developer Cloud Secure Shell (SSH) FAQ


My SSH key does not follow the standard naming, for example id_rsa_intel. How can I specify which SSH key to use?


Please specify the key name using an SSH configuration file as follows. Once you have configured your ~/.ssh/config file, simply run ssh idc.

Host jump

               User guest

               Hostname 146.152.x.x

               IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rs_intel

Host idc

               Hostname 100.81.x.x

               User ubuntu

               IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rs_intel

               ProxyJump jump

Note: Update the Hostnames and Users accordingly using the SSH command provided on Intel Developer Cloud. For example:   ssh -J guest@146.152.x.x ubuntu@100.81.x.x

I uploaded my private key instead of my public key. How can I change/update my key on Intel Developer Cloud?

The public key cannot be updated after the Instance is launched. Please terminate the instance and correct they public key.

Do I need to copy/paste the entire content of the SSH public key?

Yes, please ensure to copy the entire content of file. Including the public key format (e.g. ssh-ed25519 and key data.


ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINWcrpEBdH75Iond/PprwDrB6eaz/869OfDZnu6qlBPf user@test

How can I add additional SSH Keys to my Intel Developer Cloud Instance?

Adding additional keys to the instance is a two-step process.

  1. Upload the public SSH key to Intel Developer Cloud, under Account Keys.
  2. Access your instance via SSH using an existing key and add the new key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

How can I setup SSH key for Intel Developer Cloud Instance?

  1. Navigate to Account keys
  2. Click on Upload key
  3. Enter a Key Name
  4. Review How to create a SSH key section
  5. Paste the entire content of your public key including the public key format and key data

What is the SSH command to access the Intel Developer Cloud Instance?

  1. Navigate to the compute console
  2. Click on the Instance name
  3. Click on How to Connect
  4. The SSH command to connect to the instance will be displayed

How to SSH into Intel Developer Cloud instance using corporate network?

Review the Access from Corporate Network section in the documentation for additional instructions.

What is the password (requested on screen) when SSH into an instance?

Your instance should not require a password. If you are prompted for a password, please ensure your SSH key has been uploaded correctly and that you are using the same SSH key to connect.

How can I upload/download files to/from my instance?

SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) can be used to copy files from/to your instance, use the steps below to configure a port forward.

  1. Establish an SSH connection with port forward
    • If you are using a SSH config file, add the following line to your target: LocalForward 10022 100.81.x.x:22

For example:


Host jump

    User guest

    Hostname 146.152.x.x

    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rs_intel

Host idc

    Hostname 100.81.x.x

    User ubuntu

    LocalForward 10022 100.81.x.x:22

    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rs_intel

    ProxyJump jump


    • If you are not using a SSH config file, add the following argument to your SSH command: -L 10022:100.81.x.x:22

For example:

ssh -J guest@ -L 10022:100.81.x.x:22 ubuntu@100.81.x.x

  1. With the SSH connection established, open a second terminal and run the following commands
    • If you are using a SSH config file

scp test.txt idc:~/test.txt

    • If you are not using a SSH config file

scp -P 10022 test.txt ubuntu@localhost:~/test.txt

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