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Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler
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743 Discussions

Getting warning msg's: "warning : unused typedef 'ThisClass' " on compiling sample MFC based applica

2 000 Visites

Hello Intel Team,


Can you tell us if there is any way to resolve this MFC warning that I am getting in this sample application attached.


1>MFCApplication4Doc.cpp(25,1): : warning : unused typedef 'ThisClass' [-Wunused-local-typedef]
1>BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCApplication4Doc, CDocument)
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\atlmfc\include\afxwin.h(1262,20): note: expanded from macro 'BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP'
1> typedef theClass ThisClass;


I can supress this warning for now, but i want to get rid of this warning permanently.

Can you tell me how to get rid of it ( and not just suppress it).


Find attached the sample program demonstrating this issue.

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Thanks for posting in Intel Communities.

Could you please provide the following details:

1. OneAPI Toolkit Version

2. Visual Studio version and sub-version

3. Is "warning : unused typedef 'ThisClass' [-Wunused-local-typedef]" the only warning you are receiving? Have you tried building the application in both debug and release mode?

>>>I can supress this warning for now, but i want to get rid of this warning permanently.

How are you suppressing the warnings?

We can suppress your present warning by adding "/Wno-unused-local-typedef" compiler flag in Additional Options of Command Line under C++ in Property Pages. Are you suppressing the warnings the same way? If not please specify the approach.

Thanks & Regards,

Shaik Rabiya


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1 975 Visites

platform toolset used to build sample: Intel C++ Compiler 2023

I have installed IntelOneApi DPC++/C++ compiler extension in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.

I downloaded the same from within Visual Studio: Extensions -> Manage Extensions -> Search Intel C++ compilers and download/install the exe by double clicking on it. it will integrate itself with MS VS2019. 

VS version: Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 Version 16.11.20

The warning is coming in both release|debug mode. I can correct the other warnings that are coming but not this one.

Yes, i am suppressing the warning the same way as you have mentioned.

Do you know how to resolve this warning. What if I don't want to suppress this warning but to rectify it.

With MS VS2019 default compiler there is no such warning from this code.


Let me know how to correct this warning.





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1 930 Visites


We are able to reproduce your issue. We have informed the development team about it. We will get back to you soon.

Thanks & Regards,

Shaik Rabiya

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1 861 Visites



Thank you for your patience. The warnings which are visible while building the MFC Application in Intel OneApi DPC++/C++ 2023 Compiler is the diagnostic ability of Intel OneApi compilers. 


You could suppress these warnings as you've already mentioned. Maybe you could reach out to Microsoft as there is a possibility that they could add markings to their MFC code to ensure that such kind of diagnostics may not be triggered by any compiler and static analysis tool.


Thanks & Regards,

Shaik Rabiya


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1 820 Visites


We have not heard back from you. Could you please respond to my previous post?

Thanks & Regards,

Shaik Rabiya

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1 782 Visites


We have not heard back from you. Assuming that your issue is resolved, we are closing this thread. If you need any additional information, please post a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel.

Thanks & Regards,

Shaik Rabiya

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