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Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler
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meeting failure when I compile code for FPGA (D5005)


We are currently trying to develop software with oneAPI that can run on FPGA. We bought a PAC D5005 for testing and development purposes. But we met failure when we compile code for FPGA (D5005). This is the first we've used it and I don't know what causes this problem.


Hardwares We Use:

  1. PowerEdge R940xa
  2. Intel® FPGA PAC D5005

System We Use:

  • CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009

Software Version:

  • cmake version 3.23.3
  • gcc (GCC) 12.2.0
  • oneAPI Base Toolkit 2022.2.0.262
  • Intel® FPGA Add-on for oneAPI Base Toolkit 2022.2.0:
    • Intel® FPGA Add-on supporting the Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Cards (PAC): Intel® FPGA PAC D5005, Intel® PAC with Arria®10 GX FPGA 2022.2.0
  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software for Linux Version 19.2:
    • Quartus Prime Pro Edition
    • Quartus Prime Pro Edition - Quartus Prime (includes Nios II EDS)
    • Quartus Prime Pro Edition - Quartus Prime Pro Edition Help
    • Quartus Prime Pro Edition - Devices
    • Quartus Prime Pro Edition - Devices - Arria 10
    • Quartus Prime Pro Edition - Devices - Cyclone 10 GX
    • Quartus Prime Pro Edition - Devices - Stratix 10
    • ModelSim - Intel FPGA Starter Edition
    • ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition
    • Intel High Level Synthesis Compiler
    • DSP Builder Pro Edition
    • Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL Pro Edition

PAC Installing Check:

$sudo fpgainfo fme
Board Management Controller, microcontroller FW version 2.0.12, RTL version 2.0.6
//****** FME ******//
Object Id                           : 0xED00000
PCIe s:b:d:f                        : 0000:5B:00:0
Device Id                           : 0x0B2B
Ports Num                           : 01
Bitstream Id                        : 0x202000200000237
Bitstream Version                   : 2.0.2
Pr Interface Id                     : 9346116d-a52d-5ca8-b06a-a9a389ef7c8d
MAC address                         : 64:4c:36:16:6:b0

$lspci | grep 0b2b
5b:00.0 Processing accelerators: Intel Corporation Device 0b2b (rev 01)

The bus recognizes the D5005 and 'Hello FPGA' example of OPAE also can run.


My compile error is as follows

$dpcpp -fintelfpga -Xshardware -Xstarget=intel_s10sx_pac:pac_s10 fpga_compile.cpp -o main.fpga
aoc: Compiling for FPGA. This process may take several hours to complete.  Prior to performing this compile, be sure to check the reports to ensure the design will meet your performance targets.  If the reports indicate performance targets are not being met, code edits may be required.  Please refer to the oneAPI FPGA Optimization Guide for information on performance tuning applications for FPGAs.
For more details, full Quartus compile output can be found in files quartuserr.tmp and quartus_sh_compile.log.
Error: Compiler Error, not able to generate hardware

dpcpp: error: fpga compiler command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

The source code is in oneAPI-samples-master/DirectProgramming/DPC++FPGA/Tutorials/GettingStarted/fpga_compile



  1. How to solve the compilation failure problem

  2. Is it realiy need Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software for Linux when oneAPI program was developed in D5005


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