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Booting From CFI FLASH

Honored Contributor II

I have Cyclone 1C20 board , and nios2 standard design (attached). i have use Flash Programmer to write sof and elf to board.  


my C-Code Collect the Data From Serial Port and process them (Calculate the range between to GPS points) 

my C -Code Work like 


1. initilize Variables 

2. Open the Serial Port 

3. Receive Serial Data 

4. Calculate the range between received GPS data and Prestored GPS data. 


5. After Flash programming i press the cpu reset work fine --> it calculate the Range between two point. 

6. But when i press The power on reset---> it Display up to "open serial port" and stuck at that point 


one more finding : 


if download some sample code like "Hello World" and after porting if i press the CPU reset it display my GPS Range , which is otherwise stuck at point 2 (open serial port) 


how do i make sure that my Flash should configure my FPGA for proper functioning even if i press power on reset




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