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Configuration problem

Honored Contributor II


I have made my own board with an EP2C8Q208I8 fpga. And I have problems to configure it.  


Here are some errors that I don't belive sould be an problem: 

- The clock crystal is not working. (Mounted wrong way) 

- The configuration memory is not mounted.  


For now I was planing to configure the FPGA with the jtag.  


I have made an simple configuration file where on pin is connected to ground.  

The device is tristated with an pullup to vcc when in "reset state" so just for se if the configuration are placed property on the device.  


When I do configure the device with the jtag I get this message and everything seems okey: 


Info: Started Programmer operation at Tue Mar 06 11:24:56 2007 

Info: Configuring device index 1 

Info: Device 1 contains JTAG ID code 0x020B20DD 

Info: Configuration succeeded -- 1 device(s) configured 

Info: Successfully performed operation(s) 

Info: Ended Programmer operation at Tue Mar 06 11:24:57 2007 


But the device don't se to be configured the right way because the one pin I configured low, is still high.  


Here are some other isues: 


- The nCONFIG is always high 

- The nSTATUS is pulsing with an high time; 4us, and an periode time; 30us 

- The CONF_DONE is always low
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