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De2 board Key0 problem

Honored Contributor II

It seems I can't define Key0, it reset the board every time I press it. 

Is it some default function?And which nios2 core should I use??
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Are you using Verilog, VHDL or Block Diagram? 


Verilog Solution (Top level module): 


module Top ( CLOCK_50, KEY ); input CLOCK_50; input KEY; nios_system NIOSII ( .clk (CLOCK_50), .reset_n (KEY) ); endmodule 


Necessary pin assignments: 

CLOCK_50 = PIN_N2 

KEY[0] = PIN_G26 


The code assumes that your SOPC Builder system is called nios_system. Also, you will have to add signals for all the other components in your system. 


A second option is to make the nios_system the top level module and assign 

clk = PIN_N2 

reset_n = PIN_G26 

in the pin assignment editor. 


As for the choice of processors, you can use any version which meets the needs of your application. I like the economy version for its size and lack of caches, but it can be too slow for some applications. 


- Blair
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks a lot. 

I am writing a uc/os-II program running on nios2 core. 

what I am using is in the directory 


In DE2_NIOS.v I find this line 

Reset_Delay delay1 (.iRST(KEY[0]),.iCLK(CLOCK_50),.oRESET(CPU_RESET)); 

Perhaps that's the reason,I wonder if I can modify that via SOPC Builder.
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Honored Contributor II

No, I think that it should work fine. Just that the CPU_RESET signal should go to the reset_n signal of the nios_system, instead of the KEY[0] signal as I previously indicated. 


Also, that can not modify this in SOPC Builder, but I can be modify in Quartus II by directly editting the DE2_NIOS.v file. 


- Blair
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