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Eclipse "Generate BSP" fails, nios2-bsp-generate-files succeeds

Honored Contributor II

I'm running into a problem with BSP generation that I hope somebody out there might be able to help me out with. In a nutshell, using the "Generate BSP" option from Eclipse fails, while going to the command-line and executing "nios2-bsp-generate-files --bsp-dir . --settings settings.bsp" is successful. 


I've got a system composed of several components using SOPC builder. This generates output that I then include in my top-level design which I can successfully build up using Quartus II (10.0sp1). Things at this point are fine. 


I open up NIOS II / Eclipse and create a "NIOS II Board Support Package", select the .sopcinfo file, give it a name, and then hit finish. Things work great. 


I can create an application based on this BSP just fine. It builds, again, everything is fine. 


The problem crops up when I update components in SOPC builder. When I do this, I regenerate the system and then attempt to regenerate the BSP based on these updates. I right-click on the BSP, go down to the NIOS II option, and select "Generate BSP". This fails with the following message: 



--- Quote Start ---  


SEVERE: Driver not found: 

'fifoed_avalon_uart_driver of any version 


SEVERE: java.lang.RuntimeException: Driver not found 'fifoed_avalon_uart_driver of any version 


SEVERE: nios2-bsp-generate-files failed. 


--- Quote End ---  

Similarly, if I load up the BSP Editor, I see the problem tab indicate "Driver not found: 'fifoed_avalon_uart_driver of any version" and "BSP not valid." 


I've got a copy of the FIFOED_avalon_uart as one of my SOPC components (it's in a sub-directory that references just fine from SOPC builder). I have no idea how to 'tell' the tool where to look for this driver. 


Now, if I go to SOPC Builder, click on NIOS II > NIOS Command Shell, navigate to my BSP's directory and issue the command "nios2-bsp-generate-files --bsp-dir . --settings settings.bsp" everything works fine and I don't encounter any problems. 


I thought the Eclipse method and the command-line method were supposed to be equivalent, but it doesn't appear that way. 


Anyone have any ideas what may be wrong and how I can go about fixing things so the "Generate BSP" from the GUI works? 



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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

One method I've used to get around this is to create a script that generates my BSP. The script copies the "missing" driver to a location that I know that nios2-bsp-generate-files checks for data prior to running nios2-bsp-generate-files. It's a kludge, but seems to work. 


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Honored Contributor II

This sounds like a search path issue. Where have you placed the uart in your file system? If it's not in a standard location did you use an .ipx file to reference it? 


Try moving the uart to <ACDS install dir>/<version>/IP/uart then regenerate your system and then generate the BSP. That /IP directory is recursively searched by the tools. If you want a local copy of the UART to live with your hardware project you would use this directory instead: <hardware project directory>/IP/uart
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

This sounds linke a search path issue. I thiink so. I meet a question like this ,Setting the bsp regenerate path ,ok!

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Honored Contributor II

I find the reason it fails is that Bit Defendor (my anti virus) thinks that nios2-bsp-editor.exe is a virus, and removes it. Form then all calls to the bsp editor fail. I white listed it.

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