Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Quartus II --> Schematic Editor --> Bus problem

Honored Contributor II


i have build a trivial circuit with 4 FlipFlops and 4 seperate outputs (OUT1, OUT2, OUT3,OUT4) in the schematic editor. Now, i generate a symbol block for use the circuit in another design. (.dbf --> .bsf) Thats right. 


Now the block has 4 seperate output pins,but i want to have one connection pin as bus, e.g. OUT[3:0]. How can i reach this?  


Please help me...
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I take it you mean take the four outputs from your symbol and condense them into a bus. If so this is how: 


1) Pick some name for your bus (for example "the_bus[3..0]") 

2) Connect OUT1 to a wire that doesn't connect to anything (draw a wire for a few centimeters on your screen) 

3) Click that signal line and type "the_bus[0]" 

.... repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other three bits 


In step 3 you are assigning an "alias" to the wire that connects to OUT1. By using aliases you are telling Quartus II that the alias "the_bus[0]" connects to another location in your schematic. Then you can use a bus wire with an alias "the_bus[3..0]" to connect to anything else you want. 


If that doesn't make sense take a look at the Nios designs for the Cyclone II (2c35) board. You'll see some alias signals on the right side of the big symbol for the SSRAM wiring. If you have ever used PCB schematic software the same alias rules that you are accustom to work in Quartus II. 


If you run into problems email me and I can wire it up for you. I'll just need the symbol (bsf) and the schematic (bdf) files.
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