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Simple Eclipse NIOS build problem

Honored Contributor II

My lead design engineer is unavailable in China who designed a FPGA/NIOS application that we have been using successfully for a couple of months. However, we had a PC crash. I am not familiar with the NIOS Build process, but must reconstruct our system. I have his working .sof which works through Quartus II. I have downloaded Eclipse NIOS and copied all project files from the original PC to the new one. The app consists of two projects (hello_world and hello_world_syslib). I have imported them into the explorer panel. I was told that all that was necessary is to edit the system.stf file to make correct the line <project ptf= C:\...path...\system.ptf target = "NIOS II System library">, which I have done. 

However, in the explorer panel several files remain unresolved, such as altera_avalon_timer.h, stddef.h, NIOS2.h, etc in one or both projects. 

Also there are 2 warnings in Problems panel: Error launching ext info gen (gcc .... specs.c) All other files remain as original. Build All flashes a "building workspace" but that is all the output I get. 


I notice that the makefile in ...syslib project has not been updated and still holds the original PC path in the PTF line. 


Can anyone point me the correct direction to resolve and allow the build to proceed.  




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