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Simple binary problem

Honored Contributor II

Hello guys, I want to convert decimal from dec_buffer to a bin_buffer.  

Example: dec_buffer[1]=1; bin_buffer[1][12]={000000000001}; 

dec_buffer[2]=2; bin_buffer[2][12]={000000000010}; 

dec_buffer[3]=3; bin_buffer[3][12]={000000000011};and soon 


The error is at "bin_buffer[buf_num] = show_binary(dec_buffer[buf_num]);" ; Error: incompatible types in assignment 


I think it's a newbie question since I am a newbie on C programming, so please give me a hint :) 

NB:If there's any undeclared constant, please ignore it since i didn't copy all of my code here. I copied the part with issues only.  


# include <stdio.h> # define BUFFER_NUM_MAX 192 //16*12# define BIT_NUM_MAX 12 //12bit int dec_buffer; int bin_buffer; int bit_num; int buf_num; int show_binary(int num){ int j,b={0}; printf("data converted: %d ; binary: ",num); for (j=1;j<=BIT_NUM_MAX;j++){ b=num%2; num=num/2; } for(j=0;j<BIT_NUM_MAX;j++){ printf("%d",b); } printf("\n"); return b; } int main(void){ for (buf_num=1;buf_num<=BUFFER_NUM_MAX;buf_num++){ dec_buffer = buf_num; bin_buffer = show_binary(dec_buffer);//Error: incompatible types in assignment }
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

If it's about the different array dimension, I have tried below code,but no luck. 


int show_binary(int num){ int j,b; printf("data converted: %d ; binary: ",num); for (j=1;j<=BIT_NUM_MAX;j++){ b=num%2; num=num/2; } for(j=0;j<BIT_NUM_MAX;j++){ printf("%d",b); } printf("\n"); return b; }
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

If I highlighted some error register. And print out the converted(decimal to binary) buffers, I got the value I wanted, but the problem is i want to save the value to bin_buffer since I will need them for further process.  

My current objective is :  

if dec_buffer[1] = 1 ; bin_buffer[1][11] ~ bin_buffer[1][1] = 0 and bin_buffer[1][0] = 1; 

if dec_buffer[2] = 2 ; bin_buffer[1][11] ~ bin_buffer[1][2] = 0 , bin_buffer[1][1] = 1; bin_buffer[1][1] = 0; 

and soon.. 


Need some help here :) Thank you :D 


# include <stdio.h> # define BUFFER_NUM_MAX 192 //16*12# define BIT_NUM_MAX 12 //12bit int dec_buffer; int bin_buffer; int bit_num; int buf_num; int show_binary(int num){ int j,b={0}; printf("data converted: %d ; binary: ",num); for (j=1;j<=BIT_NUM_MAX;j++){ b=num%2; num=num/2; } for(j=0;j<BIT_NUM_MAX;j++){ printf("%d",b); } printf("\n"); return b; } int main(void){ for (buf_num=1;buf_num<=BUFFER_NUM_MAX;buf_num++){ dec_buffer = buf_num; /*bin_buffer = */show_binary(dec_buffer);//Error: incompatible types in assignment }
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Honored Contributor II

problem solved. thank you

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