Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Trouble with creating multiprocessor Nios II system with shared memory

Honored Contributor II



I have created a multiprocessor Nios II system with two cpus sharing on-chip memory

The cpu1 runs a TCP/IP stack(controlled by ucosII) and accept commands from cpu2 

I am using the Altera DE2 board, Quartus II 7.0 and Nios II IDE 7.0.  

But only the cpu1 can run successfully when run the project on nios II hardware, and informed as follow: 

"another application is using the target processor (or is using the jtag cable in a way which conflicts with our request to use the target processor). 

please close down that application and try again" 


how can I deal with the problem? 


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Export the reset/reset_ack signals from the second processor and get the first one to take it out of reset - and exclude the jtag from the second cpu. 

With care you should be able to get a single elf image to contain the code for both cpus, and download it using the jtag on the first cpu.
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Honored Contributor II

The problem “another application is using the target processor ”would not occur when the project run in Altera DE2 board, Quartus II 8.0 and Nios II IDE 8.0.  

Could you tell that why?Thanks!
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