Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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What's next after Nios II software programming?

Honored Contributor II

I am kinda new to FPGA programming. I have DE2 as my starting board. I have already experimented of how to code VHDL (not yet tried Verilog).  


I wanted a UART(RS232) interfacing to provide data to hyperterminal. After SOPC builder, i successfully instantiated it with Quartus 2. Then I used the template "small hello world" on Nios II EDS just to test my SOPC build. I run the Nios II hardware and I think I am successful at this point. I modified the template c program to return back the character+1 I typed-in Hyperterminal. That is, if i typed in "A" the DE2 shall return "B"...  


And so at this point i can say I am successful with my experiments... 


My query is, how will i load the software to the board? Is it possible for the DE2 board to work alone without the help of Nios II EDS. 


I by the way used, Quartus II 9.1SP1 and Nios II EDS 9.1. 


Thank you very much.:)
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi, you can use the flash memory to make a boot copy of your program. So, when the system is started the program is loaded to the onchip memory or the external SRAM, depends on your design. You should configure the reset vectors of the NIOS II processor. 


My advice is to go through the Altera's online trainings. 


Good luck. 


Best regards, 

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Honored Contributor II

^ Thank you for the reply victor.  


Honestly, I did NOT read much about the design processes. - guilty! :D 

However improper, this is how I study stuff - I should be able to run something first. This makes me more interested. 


I look up to it... 


Regards... :)
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Honored Contributor II

The online trainings are more practical and show examples with the features of the NIOS system and the Quartus IDE. Otherwise you should read the Quartus and NIOS documentation which is kind of boring for a beginning :).

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Honored Contributor II

You have to use the Flash memory. This means that you have to download (programm) your application to the Flash to create a boot copy and then every time you turn on your board, your application will be stored there. 




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Honored Contributor II

Thank you very much for the replies... I am actually doing those stuff. I have already added ECPS flash on the SOPC builder. And I was successful. 


I already found the problem... 


"I did not set the reset vector 0x00 to ECPS flash." I instead set it on the on-chip memory. 

(this is being set inside the nios II processor interface)
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