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linux mailbox-altera driver

Honored Contributor II



I was wondering if anyone had any examples on using the mailbox-altera linux driver. I'm trying to communicate data back and forth between the hps and nios side and wanted to use this driver. I looked online but didn't see any documentation on using this driver for the hps side. For the nios side I'm using altera_avalon_mailbox_simple api. 


I did find the link below with examples but don't understand where to set this information and how to use the functions within the driver. Normally, drivers use file operations like open, release, read, and write. However, in this driver send_data, startup, shutdown, last_tx_done, and peek_data are being used as the channel operations. Should I call these operations and what do I set for the chan? 



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Honored Contributor II

After more research, I found that the example in the link was the device tree for the altera mailbox. I don't have any experience with this so will need to do more research.  


I'll configure the device tree with the required properties and go from there. If anyone knows what to do after that please let me know. I'll continue my research in the mean time.
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