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nios vga controller

Honored Contributor II

I am doing a project using TRDA-D5M to input image to DE2. The package of TRDB-D5M comes with the coding for storing the data into SDRAM and output to vga. I need to process the image captured by the camera which stored in SDRAM. Hence, I had built a module so called CMOS controller to interface the SDRAM with the NIOS. Now, I want to build a VGA controller using SOPC builder in order to capture the data from the cpu or CMOS controller for display. I used the VGA controller provided in DE2 disk under component section to build a new component in SOPC builder. However, I get this errors----> 


Error: set ALTERA_HW_TCL_KEEP_TEMP_FILES=1 to retain temp files 

Error: Command: c:/altera/10.0/quartus//bin/quartus_map.exe not_a_project --generate_hdl_interface=C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/VGA_NIOS_CTRL.v --source=C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/VGA_Controller.v --source=C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/Img_RAM.v --source=C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/VGA_OSD_RAM.v --source=C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/VGA_NIOS_CTRL.v --set=HDL_INTERFACE_OUTPUT_PATH=C:/Users/RICKYY~1/AppData/Local/Temp/alt4925_3538248411242696065.dir/0005_sopcqmap/ 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: ******************************************************************* 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Running Quartus II Generate HDL Interface 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Version 10.0 Build 218 06/27/2010 SJ Web Edition 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Copyright (C) 1991-2010 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the  

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: applicable agreement for further details. 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Processing started: Fri Nov 12 08:48:55 2010 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Command: quartus_map not_a_project --generate_hdl_interface=C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/VGA_NIOS_CTRL.v --source=C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/VGA_Controller.v --source=C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/Img_RAM.v --source=C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/VGA_OSD_RAM.v --source=C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/VGA_NIOS_CTRL.v --set=HDL_INTERFACE_OUTPUT_PATH=C:/Users/RICKYY~1/AppData/Local/Temp/alt4925_3538248411242696065.dir/0005_sopcqmap/ 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Quartus II Generate HDL Interface was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Peak virtual memory: 265 megabytes 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Processing ended: Fri Nov 12 08:48:57 2010 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:02 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:01 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: Command took 1.872s 

Error: VGA_Controller_0: No definition of VGA_Controller in C:/altera/10.0/cam/hdl/VGA_NIOS_CTRL.v 

Error: VGA_Controller_0.avalon_slave_0: Has readdatavalid but no read signal 

Error: VGA_Controller_0.avalon_slave_0: Slave with readdatavalid signal must support at least 1 pending read 


What does these means?.. 

How can i fix the problem?..i hope can get some advices from experts. Thanks.
0 Kudos
4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

may i know how to create the cmos controller? can guide me? thanks.. 


btw, regarding your problem.. new vga ip for sopc is available for download now..  

working with 9.1 10.0sp1 and 10.1sp1..
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I just 'fixed' this problem by shutting down SOPC builder then quartus. Then restarting both applications and generating my sopc. It worked.  


Software quality for you right there......
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

SOPC Builder is a legacy tool....

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

It may be. However I have had problems with Qsys so I revert to SOPC. Even in its shortcomings it appears more reliable than Qsys.

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