Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
14777 Discussions

Hardware Recommendations for Aspen Plus


I'm running a large Aspen Plus models on a Xeon processor (E5-1620 V3 @ 3.5ghz), it has 16 GB ram and Windows 10-64bit and it's not converging as well as running very slow. A contact(competitor) of mine will run the simulation on his system with all the same inputs. It will converge, it will be done in less than an hour and the convergence will correctly describe the phenomena occurring at the real world facility, with data that helps us correct the problems in the actual facility that was simulated. He will do the simulation for me but will not tell me what he is running. Can anyone help me find a processor that can converge my Aspen Plus models in a timely matter?

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3 Replies

ChemWanderer: Thank you very much for contacting the Intel® communities. We will do our best to try to provide the information that you are looking for.



In this case, in order to get the most accurate response the best thing to do will be to get in contact directly with Aspen Plus support, since they build the application they will be able to provide a list of processors that will be fully compatible with their tool:



I also encourage all the peers viewing this forum, that if they have further information or suggestions about this matter to post all the details on this thread.



Any further questions, please let me know.





Alberto R


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Alberto R,

Thank you so much for your help! I did contact them and the answer that I revived was somewhat esoteric and applied to all actively supported versions of Aspen Plus:

"Equation Oriented Aspen Plus models and ACM simulations can get quite large. For large simulations with more than 100,000 variables, we recommend that users each get a separate desktop running a 64 bit Windows system, with 8 GB or more RAM and a fast processor. More than 2 cores is not an advantage for Aspen Plus or Aspen Custom Modeler on a single user machine. Using a 64 bit OS means that our products can access 4GB of RAM instead of 2 or 3 GB on a 32-bit machine which is useful for very large simulations."

This answer is somewhat vague and still leaves many questions. Although you can't be spot on, is there one that you would recommend based on this?CommunityAdminintel_admin

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ChemWanderer: You are very welcome. Yes, for this scenario the most important thing is to gather the requirements of the Aspen Plus software, the Intel processors are capable of supporting different applications, but in order to be sure we need to verify the requirements of the tool itself.



Since you already tried to contact them and the response was not that clear, on the link below you will find the forums for Aspen Plus, where you will receive further peer to peer assistance on this matter and hopefully the information you are looking for. Once you get the requirements in reference to the processor, then we can always look for the one that best complies with those specifications:



Any questions, please let me know.





Alberto R
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