Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
14788 Discussions

XTU is broken after a system crash. Freezes on startup, won't restart after force-quit.


I was working on a CPU OC via Intel XTU, and naturally, I experienced my fair share of crashes. However, the last crash left XTU broken, and after some basic troubleshooting I'm all out of ideas (except for reinstalling windows. I really don't want to do that.)

On windows startup, XTU appears to try launching, but it only gets as far as the splash-screen. It'll remain there indefinitely unless I kill it with Alt+F4. Any subsequent attempts to launch XTU will prompt the windows administrative permission dialogue, but after OK'ing that, nothing seems to happen.

As you might expect, I've done a few clean reinstalls of XTU. At least as clean as I can manage. I've been getting progressively more aggressive with the uninstallations, first sticking to the uninstall wizard, then using Revo Uninstaller to clean up any other remnant files it could identify, and eventually using CCleaner to mop up any registry entries it could identify.

None of this has helped. The problem persists just as it has since the beginning. I've seen a couple threads online alluding to something like this, but they're old and go nowhere. Hoping someone here with some real expertise can help bail me out.

Some system specs:

OS: Windows 10 Pro

CPU: i9 12900k

Mobo: ASUS Prime-A Z690


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4 Replies

Hello Conlan, 


Thank you for posting in our communities. 

To help me further identify the problem and offer you a solution, kindly provide the following details:

  • What is the XTU version that you are using?
  • Before the issue occurs, have you made any changes to the system?
  • And are there any error messages being shown when you close or open the XTU?

We look forward to your response!

Thank you, and have a great day ahead! 

Best regards, 

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello Conlan, 

We are checking in with you to see if you already have the answers to our questions so we can further isolate our issue.

Thank you, and have a great day!

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Conlan, 

We are checking in with you, as we have not heard any response from you. 

Thank you, and have a great day! 

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Conlan, 

We have not heard back from you, so we will close this enquiry now. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question, as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Thank you, and have a great day ahead.

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician


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