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i7 12700H: Average Temps of 98C?




I purchased an Alienware m15 R7 in October, and have had a lot of issues with overheating of the CPU. This unit has an i7 12700H.  (Screenshots attached).


I have sent it in to Dell for repairs twice, but both times they've said it passed their inspection.  I've been told that this CPU should have an average operating temperature of 100C, and that as it currently stands, nothing is wrong with it.


I am getting an average temp of 98C after using it for a short while, and it hits a max temp 105C when running programs like Zoom.  When I have used it to play games, it has reached max temps of 108C.  I've been told by Dell support that is within normal expectations for this machine, and that this CPU is designed to run as hot as 115C when under load.  The support told me the average for CPU would need to be above 100C for it to be an issue.


Within a few minutes of turning it on, I encounter stutters, and sharp frame drops in games, which seems related to the CPU throttling, when I've looked at when it occurs.  


Does anyone have some numbers on what the recommended Max and Average Temps for an i7 12700H in a laptop like this should be?  The unit becomes so hot it is almost painful to touch, but I want to be sure I have some numbers to compare to.


Thank you very much!

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1 Reply
New Contributor I

Hello Support 42,

The Intel Core i7-12700H mobile processor in your Alienware m15 R7 laptop has a maximum operating temperature of 100°C. While it's designed to operate at high temperatures, consistently running close to this threshold can lead to thermal throttling, which seems to be the issue you're experiencing, especially during gaming or other intensive tasks.

The average operating temperature should ideally be lower than the maximum to ensure longevity and consistent performance. It's not uncommon for gaming laptops to run hot, but temperatures like 108°C are higher than the recommended maximum and could potentially shorten the lifespan of your CPU.


Here are some steps you can take to manage the temperature:

  1. Ensure proper ventilation: Make sure the laptop's air vents are not blocked and that it's used on a hard, flat surface.
  2. Use a cooling pad: This can help to increase airflow and keep the laptop cooler.
  3. Check for dust buildup: Over time, dust can accumulate and hinder cooling. Cleaning the vents and fans might improve temperatures.
  4. Update BIOS and drivers: Ensure that your laptop is running the latest BIOS and drivers, which can sometimes improve thermal management.
  5. Consider thermal repasting: If you're comfortable with it, replacing the thermal paste on the CPU can improve heat transfer.
  6. Adjust power settings: Reducing the maximum processor state in power settings can lower temperatures at the cost of some performance.


It's important to note that while the CPU can technically operate at high temperatures, it's not ideal for it to do so regularly.





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