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i7 13700k what temps are normal

Hi all, first post so please be gentle. I am waiting for some memory to be delivered then will be starting my build for the first time and would like to know what temps at idle and gaming must get to be too hot.

The processor will have a Noctua NH D15 on top of it and I have a choice of thermal compounds the Noctua that came with the cooler or nzxt high performance thermal paste which I bought with the rest of the parts. Also a MSI nvidia 3070 will be in play also.

So how hot is too hot

Thoughts appreciated
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37 Replies
Super User

Normal is anywhere from 30-50c when the system is idle. Remember that Windows runs maintenance tasks in the background, so idle can be a relative term. When under significant load, temperatures in the 80s with fairly short duration (~minute) spikes up into the 90s is ok.

Is that what you were asking for?


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Hi thanks for the response, I was just looking for a bit of reassurance as I have watched lots of YouTube videos about the 13700k with ppl saying it’s hot running.

When idle or when just browsing the web it was between 30-40. I had hwinfo running whilst gaming. Counter strike max was 72c, dayz 79c and red dead redemption 96c.

The case is pretty small a Msi SEKIRA 100p
Not a lot of room with the Noctua NH 15d cooler. I think the case fans are not the best so I am going to get 3 quality noctuA fans for the front and put the Msi fans up top as exhausts. Other than the 96c briefly playing Red Dead no heat issues I don’t think. I am looking at the nzxt h7 flow and my son can have this Msi case. Just need approval from the boss if she is agreeable

Again thanks for responding.
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Hello evans8773,  


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities. I understand that you have some inquiries related to the Intel® Core™ i7-13700K Processor.

I would like to let you know that your Intel® Core™ i7-13700K Processor supports up to 100°C and any temperature below it is normal and expected. Also, the spikes temperatures are normal as long as it occurs for short periods of time.

Please let me know if you are experiencing any crashes or blue screens of death due to the temperatures.



Deivid A. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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Hi Deivid

Temps under control now, have swapped out case fans for Noctua fans and set the all fans to hit 100% when cpu is at 75c.

Hwinfo however is now telling me when I play battlefield 5 and 2042 plus a few other games that my core power limit has been exceeded.

Battlefield 2042 and my temps at 87• was what brought me here. Lol

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I have an Evo XL with water cooling and 12 fans and am running at 36 C idle. Cinebench at 79 C with a score of 30447 with my 13700k. I would ignore HWinfo if your game is running smooth.
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I had just assembled 2 units of Intel Core i7 13700K
With Gigabyte Motherboard
Cooler Master i50 CPU Fan
When I completed the assembly I let the CPU run awhile for testing
For both units the temperature hit 47 degree celcius
Please be noted that there is no OS running it is just the CPU
Is this normal?
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New Contributor II

@ShanLim wrote:
I had just assembled 2 units of Intel Core i7 13700K
With Gigabyte Motherboard
Cooler Master i50 CPU Fan
When I completed the assembly I let the CPU run awhile for testing
For both units the temperature hit 47 degree celcius
Please be noted that there is no OS running it is just the CPU
Is this normal?

it will be same when entering the BIOS, the CPU will run for no reason at stock it will draw more power than if OS is on and idles.

on a different note,  is the Cooler Master i50 supposed to be used with 250Watts CPUs?
The specification says it is not for LGA1700.

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Super User

When in BIOS, all power management features of the processor are disabled. In addition, all interrupts are disabled. One core will  be running in a tight polling loop checking for changes and input at all times. Temperatures seen in this state will thus be higher than those seen in any runtime (Windows, Linux, etc.) environments, even at idle.

All that said, 47c is perfectly normal - and, in fact, better than many systems that I have seen while in this state.

Just saying,


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my cpu is the i7 13700k no overclocking done at all and its idling at 54-67 C while just watching youtube

i dont know whether this is an issue with the chip or what but im using a 240mm aio aswell and the temps just dont feel right, whenever im playing games its running at 87c ish and throttling to 4.7ghz the game i was playing was farcry 6 which is quite heavy but mainly on the gpu so i didnt expect it. I NEED Advice ASAP.

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New Contributor II


so in Task manager you don't see anything that would take too much of the CPU?
Bcoz by idle, you mean the CPU jumps between 0~5% or so?

What thermal paste do you use? and are you sure the water block sits well on the CPU? also taht you did not put too much thermal paste on there?

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my cpu just chills around 2-4% usage rarely seeing 5. i use the artic mx-6 and voided my motherboards warranty with a contact frame. using a guide for the perfect amount of paste aswell as the waterblock is mounted right my temps are just not making sense at this point.



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New Contributor II

..wait why is your task manager in dark mode? windows 11? i can't kinda change its theme in win10.


Putting that aside, mounting a contact frame on the CPU will not really have any effect unless the die is not flat. 


Now, how sure are you that your water cooling is working the way it supposed to? like the pump is on and there is enough liquid inside? 


To be honest, if that was my problem, i would disassemble the water cooling and clean everything i can, and then with open loop i would stick one hose into some bottle and see if the pump is pumping. 

If the water cooling works, i would undo the frame, and use the stock bracket, then reassemble everything and see what temps i get. From my point of view, there is either bad heat transfer CPU->Water block, or the water flow is just to little....for example, if the liquid gone bad and some plancton lives in the water block. 


What happens if you turn off the pump while PC is on idle? the temp should gradually rise, but also not extremely fast, i would say it could take like 30 seconds mayne 1 minute to reach 90*C, at which point i would turn on the pump....the temp now should spike down to some 30*C within like less than 5seconds. 


If the temp woth pump off rises very quickly, then CPU has little contact with the water block. With pump back on and temp dropping very slow, it would suggest, there is a problem with the water cooling.


If you decide to open ot and clean everything, i would put distilled water inside instead of fancy liquids, bcoz those tend to build sediment and are sometimes good for algae.

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New Contributor II

i7 13700k with cheap waterblock but double 420's radiators -> easily 100*C
with Heatkiller 4 pro and same radiators -> 85~90*C , once a while it touches 100*C , and that is how it looks like:

To put it in another words, my setup can never continuously work at 100% CPU load, the die of the CPU is too small and can not be cooled efficiently enough. For that reason i use XTU and limit the power to 200W , else i think the CPU will melt one day.

But, 85*C is normal for those CPUs it seems.

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I had for a few months the i7-13700K with a Noctua NHU-12A Chromax Black and a big case well ventilated (6x14cm fans).


In idle it stayed between 38 and 42°, depending on room temperature.


During playing up to 65°.


Under stress (Cinebench), with basic Intel settings in BIOS, it went up to 85-90C°.


Under stress (Cinebench), without limits in BIOS, it went 100° and more. Definitely too much.


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New Contributor II

idle of more than 10*C over the room temperature is not normal, bcoz your CPU should not take more than 6~15Watts in that state and that in high performance profile. Mine stays at 7*C over room temperature.


And yes, as seen on the screen, on full load ot easily did hit 100*C

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Hi i recently bought the i7 13700k , i went for DeepCool LS 720 for the AIO,  big wented case, i get in idl/browsing minor load  33-38 C , gaming 45-62 C ,even RDR2 after hours of gamplay max settings wont hit higher than 65 C, But when i do Cinebench R23 temps are 100c, Any aplication that uses load over 75 % on cores i get temps over 90 even up to 100C should i be worryed??? never had a CPU this hot before , i do not overclock it and it is not Undervolted eather, just auto settings in BIOS.

I downloaded Last of US part I and it does a shader build in the begining, well till that is done CPU gets 92-95 C? is this normal? i have to mention that shadaer build takes over 10-20 mins , is it bad for CPU to run that long that hot???????

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New Contributor II

size of the radiator in this case means nothing, bcoz the die of the CPU is tiny considering it does 250W.
I got here twin EK-CoolStream 420 and even with fans on full power the CPU hits 100*C....that is bcoz the water block on the CPU can not transfer enough heat onto the water.

That being said, i can assure you , that the i7 13700k can run continuously triggering the thermal throttling and stay at 100*C all the time without being damaged....i did that for about 70hrs straight.   

The only thing i was not sure about is the motherboard, bcoz the space between the CPU and the top part of VRM was hitting over 90* was the PCB that had such temperature on the Gigabyte B790 Gaming X motherboard, that motherboard is cheap and does not allow overclocking - for obvious reasons. 

As can be seen on the thermal image, the 30*C is the water coming back from the radiators, yes it's just 30*C, but the CPU is at ~100*C
and the 94*C above the CPU is the PCB, it has same temperature on both sides....the darker round spots are the capacitors and teh closer the PCB is to the VRM heatsink, the lower teh temperature.

I hope your motherboard is better than mine lol



First of all thx for ur answer,and unfortunatly, i have an even cheaper motherboard, gigabyte 760, so im not even considering overclocking, and i have to say  that this is my first Water cooler, and at first i thought that it is broken cause when i saw cpu temps at 100C and i touched the radiator ... that was cold... not even a bit warm... i expected that at these heat levels, at least the radiator will get a bit warm but no mine is cold. is this normal? (only by touching it never used mesuring equipement ), or it is explained by the fact that the die size is to small and block cant transfer enough heat? or i did somthing wronG?

is there any way to cool this beast under 100 c whithout unvervolting or limiting power ??

i mostly game on it, and sometiems some video editing, so temps there where ok. but im realy curious how do ppl cool this thing, i saw posts on forums that whit cinebench r23 and no undervolt they never passed 93 c mark... how is that possible?

one more thing whit no settings in bios everithing auto, and cpu hitting this 100c mark i got a cinebench score around 29700.

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be sure to set "use Intel settngs" ON in your bios. Otherwise the CPU will run with no limits and reach +100° C easily under stress.

I used the i7-13700K with air cooling (NH-U12A) with Intel settings ON in BIOS and under Cinebench R23 it didnt exceed 85-90°C.

Your score in Cinebench makes me think that you have not enabled Intel parameters in the bios, hence the high temp.
