Programmable Devices
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20803 Discussions

Booting from On-Chip Memory

Honored Contributor II


I have a problem with Standalone mode i.e. Booting From On-Chip Memory.  

I have created a NIOS II Processor and Reset Vector pointing it to On-Chip Memory which resides from address range (On Chip Memory address base=0x4004000 to End =0x40067ff) 

Written some C Code i.e. a LED counter works well when dumped through NIOS II EDS (i.e. Run As Hardware). 

Now my Problem is I want to run it in Standalone mode for that I follow 5 Steps 


  1. Open NIOS II EDS Console 

  2. Type "
  3. Copy that boot_rom.hex file to the project working Directory 

  4. Then In Quartus >Settings>Compilation Process Settings Then Check Use Smart Compilation then give compile 

  5. Then dump in FPGA and keep it in Standalone mode
In standalone mode This RTL is dumped but that led counter code is not executing automatically after boot. 

I Check whether RTL is dumped in this manner via NIOS II EDS > Run As Hardware. It works fine. 




///Count LED.c 

# include <stdio.h> 

# include <unistd.h> 

# include "system.h" 

# include "alt_types.h" 

# include "altera_avalon_pio_regs.h" 


int main (void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("alt_main"))); 


int alt_main(void) 

int data=0; 


//Code is 3 bit counter 

usleep(5000000); //wait for 5 sec 






Can any one help me by telling me what mistake i do. OR can you get me some document which will guide so (an458 is giving me but they give bin2flash example I would prefer elf2hex reason i guess mistake is their) 


Thank You in Advance for your reply, of my needful post. 



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