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Eclipse: Creating new NIOS II project

Honored Contributor II

I've tried for a few hours to create and/or copy parts of current projects in order to create my own project in my own folder. We don't want the project or parts of the project knee-deep in /Altera/81/Cyclone.../Examples/.../.../.../. We want to be able to revision control e.g. C:\NIOS_II_Project and have the entire build in the same tree. If we check the box '[X] Specify location' when creating a project, we are never able to create a project. There are numerous STF errors. I've tried to create the LIB separately without success also. How do you do this? 


Are people just by force working in the installation folder of the tools? When the revision of the tools change, what are you doing? If the tools are uninstalled, you could potentially lose your files. 


Thank you, 

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I never create projects under the Quartus installation and don't have a problem creating them where I want them. 


The Quartus release notes mention a limitation prohibiting spaces in the pathname for projects containing SOPC Builder. Make sure there are no spaces anywhere in the project pathname.
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Honored Contributor II

I work in c:/alt and have never come across this issue, so perhaps there's something up with your installation like a missing path. That's assuming your talking about "File / New / Nios II C/C++ Application" wizard. 


probably a good idea to have all file and directory names 8dot3 compliant too. 


Do you mean syslib project when you say LIB? - if so this is created by the Nios II C/C++ Application wizard on the step after specifying the name and location -
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Honored Contributor II


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probably a good idea to have all file and directory names 8dot3 compliant too. 

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I don't work with Nios very often, but I've never had a problem with filenames or directory names longer than the old 8.3 standard.
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Honored Contributor II

No me neither to be honest, I haven't been working with NiosII for long, but in the past on other platforms i've had major grief due to compiler command lines overflowing shell buffers -  


on a side note IMHO it makes it easier to disseminate compiler logs if thier as short as possible..  


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Honored Contributor II

Brad hit the nail - I'm in C:\My Projects. You'd think it wouldn't take much to add this tip to the "Bad STF" error dialog you get when creating projects! I'm sure it's documented but I've not read every page of every manual. So I changed it to C:\My_Projects and creating a project in that folder now is fine. Thank you both for replying. 


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Honored Contributor II


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... I haven't been working with NiosII for long, but in the past on other platforms i've had major grief due to compiler command lines overflowing shell buffers 

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Not needed for the original poster, but for anyone else reading this a similar point applies to Quartus itself. Extremely long pathnames can cause problems.
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