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Error: Cannot find source node 'ddr2_dqs[0]_in' -- help me DDR2 in sopc

Honored Contributor II

hi, i am getinng this error, i also included design file. 






Info: Running Quartus II Shell 

Info: Version 7.1 Build 156 04/30/2007 SJ Full Version 

Info: Processing started: Fri Oct 05 11:00:21 2007 

Info: Command: quartus_sh -t auto_verify_ddr_timing.tcl compile DDR2_TEST DDR2_TEST 

Info: Quartus(args): compile DDR2_TEST DDR2_TEST 


Info: ======================================================= 

Info: == DDR/DDR2-SDRAM Megacore v3.4.1 In-System Timing Verification  

Info: ======================================================= 


Info: Verifying in-system timing for DDR/DDR2-SDRAM Megacore variation 'ddr2' 


Info: Running Quartus II Timing Analyzer (delay extraction only) 

Info: See file 'ddr2_extraction_log.txt' for detailed log messages 

Extra Info: Found a clock output pin: NIOS_DDR2_CK_P0 

Extra Info: Found a clock output pin: NIOS_DDR2_CK_N0 

Error: Cannot find source node 'ddr2_dqs[0]_in' 

Info: The most likely cause of this type of error is: 

Info: (1) Some signals on the local-side interface are not connected causing logic to be optimised away, 

Info: This script requires that the complete logic for the specified width of the datapath (both read and write paths) be present in the design. 

Info: (2) The clear-text HDL files for the datapath may have been modified. 

Info: (3) Not all clocks from the system pll are global. 

Error: Extractions stopped due to error 

Info: Skipping DDR system timing analysis equations. 

Error: In-System timing verification of DDR/DDR2-SDRAM Megacore variation 'ddr2' could not be completed due to the above errors. 

Error: Evaluation of Tcl script auto_verify_ddr_timing.tcl unsuccessful 

Error: Quartus II Shell was unsuccessful. 4 errors, 0 warnings 

Info: Allocated 50 megabytes of memory during processing 

Error: Processing ended: Fri Oct 05 11:00:50 2007 

Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:29 

Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 4 errors, 287 warnings
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Looks like you are using a very old version of the DDR2 compiler. 3.4.1 


You are using Quartus 7.1, so you should be using DDR2 megacore version 7.1 too. 


In fact Quartus 7.2 was released a few days ago. 


try this and see how you get on.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hello, were you able to solve this problem? I'm getting the same error message and I am using the lastest Quartus version and service pack. I'm using the Free IP Base Suite that has the DDR2 Megacore function. Please let me know if you solved the problem because I've been working on this problem for some time.  



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Honored Contributor II

I received an error similar to this and it was a result of the first situation. For me, I was instantiating a tester around the interface, so I'd insert data and read back data. The problem with that is that Quartus will end up "optimizing" away some of your connections, not knowing that they are actually important. The way I got rid of the errors was to place output pins on each of the connections, thereby telling Quartus that the connections were important and not to "optimize" them away. 


Not sure if this will fix your problem, but it worked on mine. Only took me a week to figure out. :(
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