Programmable Devices
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MAX10 - 10M02DCV36I7G - BOARD - High current draw or shortcircuit ?

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 


Target : MAX10 - 10M02DCV36I7G 

Quartus: 15.1 


We are trying to design a very minimalist and small MAX10 FPGA board using the 10M02DCV36I7G. The schematic (attached) of the board is very simple and only implement the following features : 


  • Single 3.3V supply power : VCCIO3_5_6 = VCCIO_1_2_8 = VCCA = VCC_ONE and are all connected to a single 3.3V LDO regulator 

  • We aim to implement a SPI compatible bus. Considering the small amount of IO on this chip we decided to use the JTAG Pins Sharing features 

  • The FPGA is clocked with a 50MHz Resonator 

  • And a small led is connected to one of the digital I/O 

  • Other IO are connected to board pins or left unconnected 




the problem :  

When we power the board the board draw a large amount of current (>400mA) and the voltage drops. So there must be a short-circuit somewhere but we are unable to locate it. We tried several approaches: 




We probably missed something and are now out of ideas...  


Thanks for your help. 

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Is the device orientation correct? What solder paste stencil and aperture did the CEM use for the BGA? My money is on a short, regardless what the CEM stated about AOI - that can't see under the device. Can they X-ray the device for you? 



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Honored Contributor II

10M02DCV36I7G is a dual supply device.

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