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UDP offload design example

Honored Contributor II



I am trying to use the UDP protocol to send the Ethernet packets from a transmitting embedded system to a receiving one. 


I started by trying to run the offload design example using Quartus II version 10.0sp1. 

The hardware was successfully generated, but there was an error in generating the SOPC builder system. 


The hardware project was opened in Quartus II and the SOPC system errors are resolved. 


After successfully compiling the system in Quartus II, NIOS EDS for Eclipse is used to generate the application and the bsp, but unfortunately I have an error in the make file. 


"obj/demo_control.o:(.data+0x4): undefined reference to `stooges' 

make:*** [project name] Error 1 


Can any one advise me.:( 


Thanks & Regards
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8 Replies
Honored Contributor II

If you're trying to use any of iniche's demos or anything that uses their CLI menu system, you need to ensure that you add the right CFLAGS to make it build. 


Perhaps, if you explained more about what you're trying to do, we could help. 




0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I am trying to send data from one embedded system to another using the UDP offload example as a starting point.  


-What exactly you want to know? 


Thank you very much 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

It's a good starting point. From what I see it looks like it should work from the CLI, but not from within the Nios II Eclipse GUI. That's likely the source of your issues. 


Also, since it was designed to work with earlier versions (9.0 and earlier), you should expect some things to fail...for instance, I'd be surprised if the supplied BSP patches will work "out of the box" in 10.0sp1. 


I'd advise using the command line (running the "create-this" scripts, etc.). 




0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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It's a good starting point. From what I see it looks like it should work from the CLI, but not from within the Nios II Eclipse GUI. That's likely the source of your issues. 


Also, since it was designed to work with earlier versions (9.0 and earlier), you should expect some things to fail...for instance, I'd be surprised if the supplied BSP patches will work "out of the box" in 10.0sp1. 


I'd advise using the command line (running the "create-this" scripts, etc.). 





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Thank you very much for your advice. 


I'll follow your suggestion and download version 9.0, but I'd like to know: 

If successfully running the design on version 9.0, how I'll modify to work on version 10.0sp1. Or in this case version 9.0 has to be used. 


Thanks & Regards.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

How I'll modify to work on version 10.0sp1? 

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I don't know. I would expect changes in the BSP "patch" files. I'm not sure what else. 


Start with 9.0... When you want to go to 10.x, try building from scratch with the "src" tarball. There are scripts included in that tarball which automate most everything. 




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Honored Contributor II

How did you go with this? 

I'm trying to do the same thing. From experience i know you definatelyu have to re-create the BSPs in Nios when porting old projects. But i've never done this scripting before to get a quartus project, i'll donload old quartus when i get a chance. 


If i change the script in the src tar, all i'd be doing is disabling the check right? I imagine the check is there for a reason.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi Guys, 


I've managed to build a system with 10.1 in quartus and i hope i've almost got it in Nios but i've come accross something strange. 


What i've got is the errors shown in the pic below. They refer to "undefined" calls. Thing is, these definitions exist in code in the BSP. 


The time related ones are in the bsp/drivers/src/ . These appear to me to be included via the include call #include<sys/alt_timestamp.h> 



The menu one is in menus.c in bsp/hal/iniche/src/miclib/ . The only link i see is #include"menu.h" . Note that the .c has "menus" with an s; where the .h doesn't. So does the .c get included.....? 


I've played around trying different includes and even copying the menus file out of the BSP and into the project trying to make direct includes using a header called "menus.h" and i still couldn't get past those errors (or the extra ones these attempts created). 


I'm no Nios expert but if its in the BSP shouldn't it work?! 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I can't shake the errors coming from the menu.h; all the externs in that file come up as undeclared either in normal errors or makefile errors.  


They are externs to functions which exist in the menus.c located bsp/iniche/src/h. 


I'm really stuck here and desperate for assitance. Do the iniche menus need intitlising in the BSP. I've scoured all the settings 3 times and can't see any settings intuitively named in regards to menus; i've also scoured the 9.0 version html bsp summary and no luck either. I must be missing something. 


Please help someone
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