Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2063 Discussions

Intel RST and DirectStorage dont seem to work properly.


I have a Lenovo ThinkPad G16 Gen3 with 2x Samsung 990Pro running in raid0. It seems to have DirectStorage supported when i check with "fsutil bypassio state /v c:\" 

Screenshot 2024-02-09 112252.png








But for some reason not enabled. 

Screenshot 2024-02-09 112225.png


Any ideas on how to get this working as intended?


Screenshot 2024-02-09 112351.png


Driver is the latest one available on 5th Feb 24.

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4 Replies

Hello KimA,

Thank you for posting in our community.

To help you better, I need more information about this case and I request you to answer and provide the following:

• What version of the Intel RST driver did you install?

• Did you get the latest Intel RST driver from your laptop manufacturer?

• You said that you have "2x Samsung 990Pro running in raid0". Does it mean that you also installed the OS on RAID 0?

• Your DirectX 12 screenshot shows 3 non-nVME drives, what are those exact drives? I know that drive C is the RAID 0 array, what about drives D and G? Please provide the exact models.

• What is your Windows OS version?

• Did you update to the latest version?

• How did you set up your Raid 0 array? Provide the exact steps.

• Provide and attach the Intel® System Support Utility Logs of your computer. This will help us check your system configuration in depth. Here's the link on how to do it: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000057926/memory-and-storage.html

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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• What version of the Intel RST driver did you install?

now tried 4/14/2023 19_5_2_1049_5 with no change.


• Did you get the latest Intel RST driver from your laptop manufacturer?

Yes tried that, and also intel latest driver.


• You said that you have "2x Samsung 990Pro running in raid0". Does it mean that you also installed the OS on RAID 0?



• Your DirectX 12 screenshot shows 3 non-nVME drives, what are those exact drives? I know that drive C is the RAID 0 array, what about drives D and G? Please provide the exact models.

Well thats just because it is split in to 3 partitions


• What is your Windows OS version?

Windows 11 (with updates installed available as of today 28/02/2024)


• Did you update to the latest version?



• How did you set up your Raid 0 array? Provide the exact steps.

From Laptop bios


• Provide and attach the Intel® System Support Utility Logs of your computer. 




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Hello KimA,

We are following up to find out if you were able to complete the actions, we previously recommended. Please share this information with us as soon as possible, so we can determine the best course of action to resolve this issue.

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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Hello KimA, 

I have not heard back from you so I will close this inquiry now. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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