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4800 Discussions

Intel R1208WFTYSR - intermittent issue logging into BMC Web Console interface


We are seeing an issue when we attempt to log into the BMC and gain remote access to the system. We have several of these “wolf pass” machines (R1208WFTYSR ) in a co-lo location. Presently the machines are not running with the latest version of BIOS and firmware. I would like to determine the ‘root cause’ of the behavior, prior to just updating the BIOS.

We are focusing on three specific machines. Two (2) systems have BIOS version 2.01.0012 and one (1) system 2.01.0008.


Hi Team,

We intermittently see issues with our systems that prevent us from logging into the IPMI. Immediately after signing in, we see a screen with an empty alert message box. Closing the alert box with the "X" immediately logs off the session and redirects to the login form again.

Any idea what's causing this? It makes the IPMI effectively usable. We've seen this issue on at least 10 hosts at this point. Restarting the IPMI from the OS with "ipmitool mc reset cold" fixes the issue, but I don't want to run into this issue when we need the IPMI to recover the host OS. Clearing the browser cache or using a different browser/PC doesn't help the issue.



My colleague is using the following browsers Chrome (v.103.0.5060.114) and Brave (1.41.96 Chromium: 103.0.5060.114) on a MacBook (OS 12.4)




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