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raw ipmi command to retrieve NIC 1 MAC address on S2600GZ


Hi there,

what is the right approach to retrieve the NIC 1 MAC address (for OS usage) via IPMI?

NOTE: I am assuming the system is powered off and that a DHCP server assigned an IP address to the BMC LAN channel 1.

The S2600GZ technical product specification section highlights the convention used to assign MAC address so conceptually one could calculate it from the BMC LAN channel 1 MAC address (by subtracting 4) but that seems brittle so I am looking for the (raw) IPMI command to provide that info directly!?

Other vendors implemented vendor-specific IPMI commands but I can't seem to find the doc that would cover an S2600GZ board..

Thanks & cheerio, Harry.

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8 Replies

I was not able to find the raw IPMI command to retrieve the MAC address for NIC1. The information provided on our Technical Product Specifications is to do the calculation based on the printed MAC address on the board or server system which is assigned to NIC1.

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how reliable is that approach across server boards? Is there no raw ipmi command or is it just not published anywhere!?

Thanks & cheerio, Harry.

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I could not find a raw IPMI command documented for Intel® Server Boards. Not sure what you meant on how reliable this approach is.

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Hi David,

what I meant with reliable: is this MAC address assignment scheme valid for all Intel boards?

Fyi, SuperMicro has an identified way to retrieve that info, cf. Pull the LAN1/eth0 MAC address from SuperMicro IPMI

Thanks & cheerio, Harry.

Valued Contributor III

All Intel Server boards use the MAC address addtions scheme. I can't say what desktops may do.

You do need to check the specific Technical Product Specification on the number of NICs and address assigned.

Most the Server boards have 2 NICs like the S5520UR

"Each Intel® Server Board S5520UR has the following four MAC addresses assigned to it at the Intel factory.

NIC 1 MAC address

NIC 2 MAC address – Assigned the NIC 1 MAC address +1

Integrated BMC LAN Channel MAC address – Assigned the NIC 1 MAC address +2

Intel® Remote Management Module 3 (Intel® RMM3) MAC address – Assigned the NIC 1 MAC address +3"

A 4 NIC board would still start at NIC 1 making the RMM nic NIC 1 + 5

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New Contributor II


$ ipmitool -U <</span>redacted> -P <</span>redacted> -H raw 0x30 0x19

should work.

I suggest asking from your Intel contact document number 474403 which lists all these non-standard IPMI commands.

Good luck.

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Valued Contributor III

ah, No....

Ox30 0x19 command will tell you which of the mother board physicial NICs channel ports the BMC is sharing (NIC 1 or NIC2). It will not give you a MAC address.

These commands will report the BMC NICs MAC address (for hard core programmers that don't like ipmitool lan print 1 or ipmitool lan print 3), but to get the OS MAC addess, you need to do the math. I perfer the caned ipmitool lan print command since raw commands can get you into non-recoverable troubles.

BMC Mac address of shared NIC channel port 1 (if active)

ipmitool raw 0x0c 0x02 0x01 0x05 0x 00 0x00

BMC Mac address of shared NIC channel port 2 (If active)

ipmitool raw 0x0c 0x02 0x01 0x05 0x 00 0x00

BMC MAC address of RMM DMN NIC port

ipmitool raw 0x0c 0x02 0x03 0x05 0x 00 0x00

Since this questions has been asked a few times, I did submit for an OEM command to get the MAC of the other LOM NICs for future products as it would be helpful so people don't have to look up things like how many NICs are on the mother board has and which mother board they are connected to.

If the platform has two NIC built into the main board then there will be five MAC addresses assigned as follows:

§ NIC 1 MAC address (for OS usage)

§ NIC 2 MAC address = NIC 1 MAC address + 1 (for OS usage)

§ BMC LAN channel 1 MAC address = NIC1 MAC address + 2

§ BMC LAN channel 2 MAC address = NIC1 MAC address + 3

§ BMC LAN channel 3 (RMM) MAC address = NIC1 MAC address + 4

If the platform has four NIC built into the main board then there will be seven MAC addresses assigned as follows:

§ NIC 1 MAC address (for OS usage)

§ NIC 2 MAC address = NIC 1 MAC address + 1 (for OS usage)

§ NIC 3 MAC address = NIC 1 MAC address + 2 (for OS usage)

§ NIC 4 MAC address = NIC 1 MAC address + 3 (for OS usage)

§ BMC LAN channel 1 MAC address = NIC1 MAC address + 4

§ BMC LAN channel 2 MAC address = NIC1 MAC address + 5

§ BMC LAN channel 3 (RMM) MAC address = NIC1 MAC address + 6.

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This is great information. Thank you!

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