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Intel Wireless AC 9560 fails repeatedly


I am using an Asus ROG Strix Hero III that I bought in 2020. It has a wireless network adapter Intel Wireless-AC 9560 160MHz. Unfortunately, this card will randomly stop working. The device status says:

This device cannot start. (Code 10)

{Operation Failed}
The requested operation was unsuccessful.

When this happens, the computer no longer has any wi-fi available at all, not even a list of networks to choose from. I am sometimes able to fix it by disabling/re-enabling the adapter, uninstalling/reinstalling the adapter, doing a clean driver installation, restarting the computer, or sometimes just waiting. The fix may last for a few minutes or a few days, but then the problem will recur.

I have also tried replacing the card twice now with a new one. The original card that came with my laptop did not start exhibiting this issue until about 2 years in. The second card I bought also lasted for about 2 years. The third card I bought only lasted for 2 months before the problems began recurring.

I have tried the following fixes, none of which fix the problem permanently:

  1. Changing the power settings so the wifi card cannot be put to sleep
  2. Updating the driver (current version is from May 1, 2024)
  3. Performing a cold reboot (holding the power button until the PC powers off)
  4. Updating the BIOS
  5. Replacing the hardware (see paragraph above)

Is there some fix I haven't tried? This keeps happening with new cards; does that mean it is a software issue, or is the card itself fundamentally flawed?

Is there an upgraded card or alternative brand that I can use instead of the AC 9560?

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10 Replies
Super User

My response to hearing all this is to do a clean reinstallation of the Wireless and Bluetooth driver stacks. I can provide process for this if you haven't tried this. That said, while I an looking at software being the culprit, I cannot rule out hardware failure.

First of all, if you want to continue to use the CNVi route, no, there isn't a replacement/upgrade module for this situation. Fact is there is no PHY other than the 9560 that works with the Wireless MAC implemented inside the chipset. In fact, Intel had to re-implement the CNVi bus, taking it from CNVio1 to CNVio2, in order to get later solutions to work.

One alternative you could try is to go with a non-CNVi module - the AX200 (WiFi 6) or AX210 (WiFi 6e), for example. I can't guarantee that this will work, however, I have heard of cases where laptop motherboard designs do not support the insertion of a non-CNVi module into this (supposedly standard) M.2 Type E socket (in fact, in some cases, the laptop won't even power on with one installed).

Hope this helps,


0 Kudos

Thanks so much for your fast and detailed reply. I haven't tried a clean reinstallation of the Wireless and Bluetooth driver stacks. I would appreciate it if you would provide the process for that so I can ensure I'm doing it right.

And if that doesn't work, I'll try one of the alternative wifi cards you mentioned. Worst-case scenario is it doesn't work and I'll just plug my old card back in after.

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Super User

Here's my step-by-step process for doing a clean install; follow it exactly:

  1. If you haven't already, download - but do not install just yet - the latest Bluetooth and Wireless driver packages for your adapter. Here are the current links for downloading these drivers: Wireless: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/19351 and Bluetooth: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/18649.
  2. Most important! Disable Internet access. Unplug Ethernet cable and/or disable wireless. Keep disabled until told to re-enable. Note: This Wireless disable *must* be of type that will persist (i.e. stay disabled) across reboots.
  3. From the Apps & Features applet, check for instances of Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and Intel Wireless Bluetooth. If none, skip forward to Step 6.
  4. Uninstall each instance of Intel PROSet/Wireless Software and/or Intel Wireless Bluetooth that is present. When prompted, choose to "Discard Settings".
  5. Manually reboot your computer, keeping Internet access disabled throughout.
  6. From the Device Manager applet, check the Network Adapters section for an entry for Intel Wireless-AC 9560 and check the Bluetooth section for an entry for Intel Wireless Bluetooth that has an Intel driver associated with it. If neither is the case, skip forward to Step 12.
  7. Right click on the entry for Intel Wireless-AC 9560 and select Uninstall Device. In the dialog that is then presented, choose to (checkmark) Delete the driver software for this device.
  8. Repeat step 7 until the option to Delete the driver software for this device is not offered (i.e., is greyed out).
  9. Right click on the entry for Intel Wireless Bluetooth and open its properties. If it has an Intel driver associated with it, then uninstall it, choosing to (checkmark) Delete the driver software for this device.
  10. Repeat step 9 until the option to Delete the driver software for this device is not offered (i.e., is greyed out).
  11. Go back to Step 5.
  12. Install the downloaded Bluetooth driver package you downloaded earlier (my rule: always install Bluetooth first).
  13. Install the downloaded Wireless driver package you downloaded earlier.
  14. Manually shutdown and reboot your computer.
  15. Reenable Internet access. Restore Ethernet cable and/or reenable wireless.
  16. Test.

Note that it sometimes takes multiple uninstall (and reboot) cycles to clean out the old installations, so don't give up on the process. If you get to, say, 10 cycles, stop there and attempt the installation of the latest drivers.

Hope this helps,


0 Kudos

Thank you for the detailed instructions. I'll try this out as soon as I get a chance and report back with the results.

0 Kudos

Hi Gojusan,

It seems that @n_scott_pearson recommended some process to fix the issue.

We are following up to find out if you experience any issues.


We weren't able to get any response from you regarding the needed information.


Best regards,


Dean R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello! Unfortunately, I have not yet had time to attempt the suggested solution. Assuming this thread remains open, I intend to post the results as soon as I am able to attempt it. Thank you for checking up on this.

0 Kudos

Hi Gojusan,


This is noted, we will wait for your response. Let us know if you have any questions.


Best regards,


Dean R.

Intel Customer Support Technician


0 Kudos

Hi Gojusan,

We are following up to find out if you experience any issues.


We weren't able to get any response from you regarding the needed information.


Best regards,


Dean R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Thank you for following up. I still have not had time to perform the given steps. So long as this thread is open, I will come back with the results as soon as I have them. I understand, however, if you wish to close the thread for any reason.

0 Kudos

Hi Gojusan,

If that's the case, we will be no longer monitoring this thread. You may submit a new thread for this.


Best regards,


Dean R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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