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nisii sdk shell problem

Honored Contributor II

I am unable to use the niosii sdkshell as well as the sopc builder. 

The niosii shell gives me the following errors. 


bash: grep: command not found. 


Do i have to remove thenios 1 installation
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Not a bad idea getting rid of everything that was for NIOS I. The instruction sets are completely different so I don't think you want to try to have a mix on your system. 


When I start up the command prompt shell, I get an error message but then after I get a second say to ignore the first one. I wouldn't bother with the old shell if you can avoid it. The new IDE although kinda tricky to use at first is much nicer.
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Honored Contributor II

I use both at different times, and I have not done anything special. In fact my computer is probably pretty messed up :-) 


Open the NII sdk shell and then the file that points to... make sure that it can find bash - that all the pointers are correct. 


tell me if that helps. If it doesn't we'll see if we can find something else. 


maybe???? did you install Quartus in a different location AFTER you installed Nios II? I don't think this should matter because it looks for Q home dir..  


And how are you invoking the shell.
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