Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

IVF help Vs CVF help

Am I the only one that misses the quality of the support service which came with CVF ?
i.e. I submitted a bug report on 2 Mar 04 to 'Premier Support' (Q233306) which wasone file in one project showing that paths for includefiles were not working correctly in fpp files. It took until yesterday 25 Mar 04 for me to get a message saying that 'it was reproduced'.
To reproduce it should have taken about 1 minute.
Am I expecting toomuch ?.
MY CVF studio has raised about 20 compiler / environment bugs in IVF (i.e. unable to compile my ICFV->IVF workspace). Waiting 3 weeks for a response from a trivial problem seems a bit lame. I have yet to actually run my program since buying the compiler in December, and I have to make the strategic decision of buying upgrades for all my other machines during the special offer period when I have dwindling confidence in the support services (and to some extent the ability of Intel to allow migration of CVF projects)
None of this is of course a comment on Steves abilites or effectiveness, but for bug reportsStevecanonly say 'report this to premier support' which can feel like throwing pennies down a well.
Is my experience unique ?
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3 Replies

I haven't been impressed with the speed of response to my issue, no. 234495. I've had slow but steadycommunication from Intel. Every time the support contact asks me to try something or to submit files I try to respond within a day so that the effort isn't held up from my end.

It's hard to know how many resources Intel is throwing at these bug report investigations. Is it one guy or ten? Is Intel receiving one support request a day or 20?

I also think that there might be a training issue. IVF is a new product blended from its CVF and IF ingredients. Neither the former Compaq/HP people nor the Intel people have prior experience with it, so I imagine that they're doing some learning together with us.

Style of communication is another issue. I would rather hear something on a regular basis when I'm waiting for help, but people sometimes don't want to respond until they have some kind of concrete progress to report.

I don't have the money to buy other Fortran compilers to try them out, and I don't have the time for that kind of evaluation even if I did have the money. I'm pretty much committed to using IVF, but I hope that the support gets better with time.

I don't use Fortran constantly in my job, but I'm starting a new project that does require some Fortran programming. I hope that I don't turn up a bunch of problems that require help and then have to wait a long time to get help.

Mike D.

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I'm sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with Intel support. We do have a large team of good, well trained people, many of whom have extensive development experience themselves. The first-line support people are backed up by second-line folks such as myself.
Tony, I'm not sure why your case took so long to get a follow-up saying that it had been reproduced. In most cases, if all the information is provided, it should take no more than a day. Mike, your case seems to have been progressing quite well, with frequent communication.
For a long time with CVF, I was handling almost all of the support on my own, and this not only left me little time for other activities but some problems got "dropped". It really is better overall with Intel, though individual experiences may vary.
If at any time you feel that you are not getting proper support from Intel Premier Support, please let me know by e-mail at - be sure to include the case number.
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I am satisfied with the support, but I do have to say it did take a long time to get the "reproduced" message for the 2 of 3 issues I submitted; one simple case took weeks, and I had to explain how to get theresource compilationto work. Fortunately I discovered work-arounds for two of the issues. Email acknowledgements were fast and responsive other than this. Response time for acknowledgements after "reproduced" has been good.
It appeared to me for all three issues, much time was involved in trying to reproduce the problems from the command line instead of the development environment for some reason.
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