FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

DE1 Problem

Honored Contributor II

Hi guys, 


I just got myself an Altera DE1 but i am having some issue with it. I have installed the USB blaster driver and Quartus II 7.2 that come with the CD accordingly. However, the problem still persist... 


The issue i am having now: 


1) The console application included in the package is giving me an error message "download elf file DE1_ControlPanel.elf) fail!" at 95%. 


2) I cant program the DE1_demonstrations provided in the CD to my Altera board. I am using the USB Blaster with JTAG.  

(first i compile the code, then i proceed to the programmer(select USB Blaster and JTAG then start the programming) is that the correct way to program the DE1 ? 


3) I tried to start with the tutorial and other online tutorial. I can compile them but it doesnt generate the .sof file that it should. I cant find it anywhere on my laptop.  


I am very new with Altera board. :( Any help will be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks !!!
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

for the first one: I get a similar error. I load the .sof file with Quartus and then click the connect button in the control panel. A bit more work, but it'll get you there (I think). 

the second one: Do you have the right device selected? There might be a problem there, also you should make sure the programming switch is at the right position. (refer to manual for this. I think it is run. 

and for the thirf one: search this forum. I believe I have seen this before. It could be a setting somewhere.  

note: These are possible solutions. But since they all have to do with programming/sof files It could be there is a common problem for these issues.
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

for the first one: I get a similar error. I load the .sof file with Quartus and then click the connect button in the control panel. A bit more work, but it'll get you there (I think). 

the second one: Do you have the right device selected? There might be a problem there, also you should make sure the programming switch is at the right position. (refer to manual for this. I think it is run. 

and for the thirf one: search this forum. I believe I have seen this before. It could be a setting somewhere.  

note: These are possible solutions. But since they all have to do with programming/sof files It could be there is a common problem for these issues.[/QUOT 


Thanks for the reply! I have tried out the suggested method but  


1) It cant work for my case :( 


2) I am pretty sure i selected the correct device and the programming switch 


3) Thanks! I will do a search on the forum to get possible solution :) 


Thank you so much for your help ! :D
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Honored Contributor II

I solved this problem by installing the latest Quartus II 13.0.1. :D  


Thanks guys!
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