FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

picture viewer

Honored Contributor II

Hi, i'm a new user.i now using the altera picture viewer example as my project.when i add the dma,got many errors come out.All the memory device are appear at more than 1 address.I had tried out this method but in the edn still fail.http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6112.I had taken a snapshot and attach it.Hope to hear the solution form you all.Thank you.

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Your picture does show a DMA, but that one seems to be correctly connected. 

It seems you have a DMA further down? 


The error tells you that the DMA controller sees your SSRAM and flash at a different address than the processor. 

You can check this with the "Address Map" button, which gives you a nice table which periphereal sees which periphereal at which address. 


Try connecting the DMA's read and write master to the flash_ssram_tristate_bridge or to the flash_ssram_pipeline_bridge, as the other DMA and the NIOS are connected there too. 


Have you had the DMA disabled? 

I had the problem of the SOPC builder not realizing adress changes for components that were disabled during the change. 

You might need to disconnect and reconnect the DMA read and write master connections to have the SOPC builder update the addresses.
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Honored Contributor II

Hi,there is only one dma.At beginning,i didn't connect the dma to the picture viewer.But after i connect the dma, all the address of the memory device seen to be messy.I have also try to connect to the flash_ssram_tristate_bridge or to the flash_ssram_pipeline_bridge as well.But still maintain the same error.

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Honored Contributor II

Have you checked the address map, which connection causes the wrong address offset?

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Honored Contributor II

Hi, can you explain in more detail...because i'm a new user...i'm not so familiar with the address map and how to detect the error.Sorry about that.Thank you.

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Honored Contributor II

When you click the "Address Map" button, you get a table that lists the adresses from every master to every slave. 

The SOPC builder wants every master to see each slave at the same adress. 

You can go through the table and check the adresses, to see which master sees the periphereal at a different address than the others. Look especially for the periphereals that are reported as errors. 

That way it's most easily to spot which connection gives you trouble.
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Honored Contributor II

hi,i will try to figure out it.Thanks for your help.:o

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