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Caution 4255 exc update


My 10th gen Intel i5/ARC a380 system with newest igpu driver didn't do well with the first ARC update I did 6 days ago. .4146 ended in a Windows Blue Screen Stop Code: Driver_Verifier_DMA_Violation. Restart showed the driver, but no ARC Control. Day later I downloaded the zip file and extracted the Arc Control .exc. Both driver and arc control worked well with stable OC of 2650 mhz. Burn test at 100% gpu usage pulling 54 watts for over 10 min. GPU 76deg/ Memory 86deg. Impressed. Failing to wake from sleep only happens if programs are running. Once it resulted in a Windows stop code: Video_Scheduler_Internal_Error. Happy ARC owner so far 6 days in.
So I felt a little adventurous today when I saw the new .4255 driver in .exc form only and went ahead and gave it a go. Hours later I will say that .4255 gave ME a go. WOW. Almost stopped when I couldn't unselect the driver assist program. I have not read good things about it. Only wanted the driver and Arc Control updates. So back to being adventurous (and maybe a helpful customer) I took the full update. Opps. Ended in black screen. Hard reboot brought back what appeared to be a good install. Launch the unwanted Intel Driver & Support Assistant program only to have it launch a web page that says "Something when wrong with your scan". Tried to uninstall D&SA and you can't. Didn't want it and know can't remove. Hmmmm. Arc Control update seems to be ok.
Now the fun really starts. I try to open Magix Vegas 20 and am greeted with windows BAD IMAGE error screen with note that the System32/MSVCP140.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Error status: 0xc000012f It said to reinstall the program. OK, there was a new update of Vegas I was going to load anyway. Ugh, first bad install of Vegas ever for me.
Vegas Installer Error code during uninstallation phase: An installation for Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 X64 Minimum Runtime-14.32.31332 is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want to undo those changes? Yes gets me to sfvstwrap.dll failing later in the installation. Looks like the tested Intel exc file toasted my Microsoft visual C++ Redistributables. Quick search gets me to the info I need to uninstall all visual c++ apps, reboot, download five files and install in chronological order. Last one (2015-2022) kicks up error code: vc_runtimeMinimum_x86.msi cannot be found. Double ugh.
Now my searches gets me to the point of diving into the regedit for the first time. Did I say adventure yet? Deleting all folders that referenced Visual C++ in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products let me finish the . This allowed me to successfully install Vegas software. All seems to be good now. I rolled back the driver in device manager and some point at the start of this adventure and I won't be going back to .4255 until there is a zip option. 

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13 Replies

I feel your pain and frustrating, since I have never been able to install ANY Intel ARC driver using the .exe since receiving my A770-16 on December 19th of 2022.

Intel drivers are the only one with the issue (all other drivers have zero issues)

Double clicking the .exe will cause the driver installation to launch but while checking the hardware requirements, the mouse with become very 'stuttery' then freeze.

A few seconds later, the system will crash with Green screen of death GSOD exhibiting a DPC_Watchdog_Violation.

The only way for me to install drivers has been by downloading and extracting the .zip package... going into the Device Manager... selecting update from the GPU entry and pointing to the file in the extracted driver directory.

That in itself isn't too bad.
The issue is.... the newest Intel WHQL driver ( is being offered on the support site as a .exe download only.

It is a departure from all previous drivers, where both .exe and .zip were offered.

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Was able to use 7zip to extract files from the .exe archive (never knew you could do that).

The 4255 driver is now manually installed... just as I've done for every new driver prior.

It is stable despite a checksum error I received when extracting.

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Hello CraigAV,


Thank you for posting on the Intel️® communities. We understand that you are experiencing issues when installing the new drivers using the .exe option and running Vegas 20.


It seems that you are ok with the workaround you have shared to solve the issue; however, we want to know if you would like to further troubleshoot this issue. If so, and to have a better understanding of your issue, please provide me with the following:

Are you experiencing issues when installing the new drivers .4146 (Windows Blue Screen) and .4255 (black screen); is this correct?

Is the video provided by Saabjock related to your issue?

Could you share with us a screenshot of the error message you receive when opening Magix Vegas 20?

  •  To gather more information about your system that will help us troubleshoot your issue, please, provide us with a report using the following programs:
    • Intel® System Support Utility (Intel SSU):
    • Open the application and click "Scan" to see the system and device information. By default, Intel SSU will take you to the "Summary View."
    • Click on the menu where it says: "Summary" to change it to "Detailed View."
    • To save your scan: click "Next"; then "Save."


  • Intel® Graphics Command Center:
    • Open the Intel Graphics Command Center
    • Navigate to the Support tab
    • Select System Diagnostic
    • Click Generate Report
    • Select Save and name the output file.


Best regards,

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi Jean.  Thank you for asking about the status of my system. I am having good results with my current setup of new 4255 ARC Control and graphics driver rolled back to 4146 in device manager.  Waking up from sleep now works with programs running.  Woohoo. Will crash Vegas waking up from sleep though. 

Bios screen only comes up on igpu now.  Igpu and Arc are playing nice together in dual monitor setting (DP ARC and HDMI Mobo)  I should add that after the Vegas update failed and I realized I need to repair the Visual C++ files I first tried to fix via updating Windows from 21H2 to 22H2.  I mention this as it may be a reason that waking from sleep works now.  Rebuilding the Visual C++ files after the 4255 exe update might be part of the solution also.  Or the fix is in the new ARC Control update.   

 +Yes my installation of 4146 ended in a windows stop screen - see 4146 exe install end screen.jpg

 +Once when failing to wake from sleep I got this screen - 4146 sleep wake up one time.jpg

+ Early OC results - OC GPU 100%.jpg   GO LITTLE ARC

 +Installing 4255 exe ended in a black screen and did hard reboot.

+Vegas fails to start from shortcut or from start menu 10 min. after 4255 install - 4255 exe ended in black screen then wouldn't open       Vegas 20_214.jpg

+Updating Vegas20 from 214 to 370 install failed - Updating Vegas 20_214 to 20_370 a &b.jpg

+ Final Error Report.jpg

   Do you have an idea when the zip version of 4255 might be available?

Thanks for the support!


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Hello @Saabjock .


Thank you for posting on the Intel️® communities. 


Please submit a new question on the community forums, and provide a detailed explanation of the situation to have a more personalized troubleshooting step for your issue. If you'd like, you can try my suggestions from this thread.


Best Regards,

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos


I was just able to install the very first ARC driver (4311)  directly from a .exe package.

All drivers to date would crash during installation, necessitating extracting the files from the .zip or .exe to manually install.

Seems Intel has changed their driver installer for the better.

It went very well.

0 Kudos

Hello CraigAV,

Thanks for the information you shared.

We would like to further investigate this matter internally. Please provide me with the following:

• We noticed that your response still misses some information we requested. Can you try creating the system reports (Intel SSU and IGCC) and share them in your next post?

• Does the issue improve if you run the card at its default settings?

• You mentioned that the system is now working with the 4255, was the driver installed after the system went to a black screen?

• If you only connect a monitor to your Arc Card, is the monitor capable of showing the BIOS splash screen?

Best Regards,

Jean O.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

• We noticed that your response still misses some information we requested. Can you try creating the system reports (Intel SSU and IGCC) and share them in your next post?

 System has been doing great last few days.  Will do your reports in the future as needed. 

   Is there any info you can glean from the Window Reliability Monitor Report? You can generate a report in XML format.  

   Here are the only two hardware errors I have had listed in Reliability Monitor.  I think they are related to not waking from sleep.   Again, have not had any problems in the last few days. 


Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 141
Parameter 1: ffffbe03d686f010
Parameter 2: fffff801703167e0
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 0
OS version: 10_0_19045
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 1033

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: LKD_0x141_Tdr:6_IMAGE_igdkmdnd64.sys_GEN12_KMD_PAGEFAULT


Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 117
Parameter 1: ffffbe03e1b93010
Parameter 2: fffff801703167e0
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 0
OS version: 10_0_19045
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 1033

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: LKD_0x117_Tdr:9_IMAGE_igdkmdnd64.sys_GEN12_0_0x117



• Does the issue improve if you run the card at its default settings?

   There is no issue to resolve in this thread concerning the performance of the of the card.   I was letting you and others know of a problem I had with another piece of software after updating Intel .4255 exe.  System has been working well the last few days waking from sleep while programs are open.  

• You mentioned that the system is now working with the 4255, was the driver installed after the system went to a black screen?

    The .4255 exe update ended in black screen with system running.  Hard reboot brought back system updated and seemed to be working fine.  When Vegas wouldn't start I rolled back the Arc graphics driver to .4146 in device manager.  I don't know if there was a new version Arc Control software in the .4255 exe but the Arc interface says it is now 1.64.4584.4.  That is the same version that I installed with .4146 zip

• If you only connect a monitor to your Arc Card, is the monitor capable of showing the BIOS splash screen? 

   No Bios screen on Arc DP output with nothing plugged in to the igpu/mobo.  Also no Bios screen on Arc DP output with igpu disabled in device manager.  Will test with HDMI in next few days and also try different primary/auto graphics card settings in bios.  

  Two things I thought of that may be causing a problem with my Intel Arc exe installs.   First is that I have UEFI Casual Updates Turned off in BIOS.  This was in effort to stop my Intel igpu drivers being reset to older OEM/Dell drivers.  Second is that I had my virtual memory/page file set to a fixed setting of 1000/9000 MB. I bet that wasn't big enough for the install.  I changed page file back to system managed and will turn UEFI back on in BIOS tonight. 


0 Kudos

Hello everyone,


Thanks for the information you have provided.


It is important to mention that zip files will no longer be provided for the Intel Graphics driver in the Download Center.


Also, about the issue you are reporting based on some of the BSOD errors you provided, we noticed that some may point to a hardware failure; however, we would like to further research this matter to be able to have a solid answer to your problems. We would like to request that you share a Memory Dump file that will provide us with vital information about the system crashes. Check this article from Microsoft for more information about the Memory Dump file; it includes steps to generate memory dumps.


Also, as we requested previously, we may need to gather more system information about your system. This would benefit us in further investigating the problem. Please, provide us with the Intel SSU and IGCC reports.


Best regards,

Jean O.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello CraigAV,


We appreciate that you shared the two hardware error listed in the Reliability Monitor. We may be able to extract vital information from the Window Reliability Monitor Report. However, a Memory Dump file may be more helpful in these scenarios.


Also, we understand that the system is working now, and you prefer to share the SSU and IGCC reports in case the issue occurs again in the future. Since the system seems to be working now, we will keep this thread open for a few days so you can check if the issue appears once more. Let us know if you face any inconveniences or problems with your system.


Best Regards,

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello everyone,


We hope you are doing fine.


We have not heard back from you. So we will close this thread. If you need any additional information, submit a new question, as this thread will no longer be monitored.


Best regards.

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician.

0 Kudos

 The Intel crew might not see this but thought I would share some info for other users.  First off, life is good with ARC Asrock a380 now.   Working great in Dell XPS 8940 i5 10th gen with igpu for output and ARC for acceleration.  Multi monitor works split between igpu and ARC also.  Wakes from sleep except if Magix Vegas is running. Vegas is utilizing both graphic chips.

   Did the Beta 101.4257 exe full install and all went perfect.  Here is a list of things that I did prior and things I noticed that may have contributed to my success vs. the bad install I had with .4255.

+ I reset my virtual memory/page file to 5000/32000MB.  

+ I turned back on UEFI Capsule updates in BIOS

+ I installed new 6-10th gen igpu driver (101.2121) that dropped yesterday before the ARC update.  With no internet connection, in device manager, I deleted current igpu driver to get back to OEM/DELL igpu driver and then updated with option to not delete old drivers.  This in an effort to keep MS from downgrading to OEM driver in the future.

+ ARC Beta exe forced a uninstall of previous drivers.  I had not selected that option in .4255 exe as I had concerns of it messing with the igpu driver.

+ Beta appears to include new visual c++ package.  


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Wanted to add that I had updated Windows 10 to 22H2 between the bad .4255 install and the good .4257 install.  This appears to be the solution for others also.

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