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Intel(R) DAAL 2019 Update 4 is now available


Intel(R) DAAL 2019 Update 4 is now available. Intel DAAL 2019 packages are now ready for download. Intel DAAL is available as part of the Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE and Intel(R) System Studio. Please visit the

What's New in Intel(R) DAAL 2019 Update 4:

  • Introduced a new distribution channel: NuGet* packages for Intel® DAAL.
  • Improved Gradient Boosted Trees training stage performance for large-dimensional data sets with inexact split mode.
  • Extended Z-Score by adding a new parameter "doScale". The feature is applicable for PCA algorithm with svdDense method.
  • Changed minimal supported Java™ Development Kit (JDK™) version from 7 to 8.
  • Fixed the issue with building an open source version of Intel® DAAL using Java 11.
  • Made available building an open source version of Intel® DAAL with Intel® Compiler in the Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 Update 2 or later.

Check Intel(R) DAAL 2019 release notes to learn more information

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