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Remote Update - new configuration data file format?

Honored Contributor II



I'm using the EP3C55 + CFI flash memory in Active Parallel configuration.  


An UART interface receives new configuration/application data (.rbf file) before the NiosII processor writes the data to the flash memory.  


When trying to trigger an re-configuration to the new application image, the FPGA defaults back to the factory image. The factory image was placed in the flash memory using the JTAG interface and is working as it should. 


When comparing what's placed in the flash memory for the factory image (.POF file format) and the application image (.RBF file format), the initiall "header" seems a bit different for the two (the bytes are in a different order).  


So, now I'm wondering if the .RBF file is the correct file format to use when placing the new application image in the flash memory? Will the byte sequence have to be altered before placing the new application data in the flash memory? 





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Honored Contributor II

It looks like I was able to solve this on my own, even though the SR replied that the .rbf file format doesn't support Active Parallel configuration. 


For the Active Parallel configuration scheme, the Raw Binary File (.rbf) format can be used when remote updating the firmware image in the CFI flash device. 


What's important is that the .rbf file supports the Active parallel configuration scheme.  


Since I'w set Quartus II to automatically generate the .rbf file, all I had to do was to set the following option in Quartus II:  


Assignments --> Device...--> Device and Pin Options...--> Configuration --> set the Configuration scheme to Active Parallel before compiling your design
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