Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
16127 Discussions

i5-11400 box message


The box says that the processor requires a motherboard based on Series 500 - Z490, H470 or Q460 and i have a motherboard MSI B560 ¿This is a problem?


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7 Replies

Hello @JoseAdolfo

Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.

The information in the box is correct. The Intel® Core™ i5-11400 Processor is compatible with Intel® 500 Series Desktop Chipsets and some Intel® 400 Series Desktop Chipsets: Q470, Z490, W480, H470. You may confirm this in the following link under the section "Compatible Products":

Usually, motherboards' manufacturers (OEM) name their boards using different words and codes that may help with proper identification of features, product family, product generation, etc; and this may include an identifier for the chipset that comes with the motherboard, therefore, it could be the case that an "MSI B560" motherboard refers that it has an Intel® B560 Chipset (of course, this can vary from one OEM to another). If that is the actual scenario, the CPU will be compatible with that chipset since the Intel® B560 Chipset is part of the Product Collection "Intel® 500 Series Desktop Chipsets". (compatible at the chipset level).

However, it worth mentioning that there are other factors that we need to keep in mind when reviewing compatibility between a motherboard and a processor, for instance, socket and BIOS. This means that just "being chipset compatible" doesn't guarantee the devices will work fine or work at all.

Most of the OEM's has a CPU compatibility list on their websites that you may check to confirm compatibility with a specific CPU model and also to review if a specific BIOS version is required for proper operation. We also offer a tool to find compatible motherboards for your Intel® Boxed Desktop Processor. For more details, please refer to this link: How to Find Compatible Motherboards for Your Intel® Boxed Desktop Processor.

Please feel free to share the full/exact model of your motherboard and we can take a look and try to find more detailed/accurate information regarding compatibility between your motherboard and CPU.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician



Thank you for your very complete and satisfactory answer, I confirm that my aforementioned "MSI B560" motherboard has the B560 chipset, the "full/exact model" detailed in this link: 

Now I understand that I did not choose an incompatible one, because it guided me from this Intel web platform you mentioned:

How to Find Compatible Motherboards for Your Intel® Boxed Desktop Processor

And this is my search for Intel i5-11400 compatibles motherboards, it includes my motherboard menttioned "MSI B560": 

Although the B560 chipset is not mentioned on this page as well as the box where the processor comes:


So, my board is compatible with the processor, but do I need to change the BIOS version to run it? Because motherboards' manufacturer MSI gives me this option on their website:  Link / Product Service / Compatibility

This is the option in Intel i5-11400, the zip file:


Thank you very much for your patience and dedication to answering the matter, I wish you a good day.


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Super User

Relaying part of Andrew's message in a somewhat simpler way, support for the use of 11th gen processors in older 400 Series chipset-based motherboards is typically dependent upon the motherboard manufacturer releasing an updated BIOS package that delivers the support for these processors. You need to check with your motherboard manufacturer regarding whether this is a requirement for your motherboard.

Hope this helps,


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Hello JoseAdolfo

Thank you for your response. We are glad to know that the information provided was helpful.

You are correct, the motherboard MSI* MAG B560 Torpedo is compatible with the Intel® Core™ i5-11400 Processor.


Regarding your inquiry about the BIOS version, we understand that the MSI* CPU compatibility list says that the processor is supported since BIOS version Checking the BIOS* download link, this BIOS is actually the first BIOS release. This means that that is the lowest BIOS that may come with this motherboard which would still be a supported BIOS.


Just in case, we would recommend that as soon as you build the system, going to the BIOS and checking the BIOS version to confirm it is a supported version (either 7D15vA0 or a newer one as the ones listed in the MSI* download link). If that is the case, you should be fine.

The general recommendation is to keep the system up to date, this includes BIOS. If there are newer BIOS versions available for your system, you may check with MSI* Support for the features, improvements, and fixes included in a specific BIOS version and if they recommend updating to that version.



We understand that the Intel® Core™ i5-11400 Processor Product Specifications does not list the specific B560 chipset in the section Compatible Products and it just says that the processor is compatible with "Intel® 500 Series Desktop Chipsets" (which includes Intel® B560 Chipset as part of them).

However, the specific chipset is indeed shown as compatible in the Intel® Product Compatibility Tool, in the entry related to this specific motherboard:


Thank very much you for your feedback. For any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us back.


Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician



Thank you so much.

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Hello JoseAdolfo

Sure, you are very welcome. If you have additional inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us back. Otherwise, please feel free to let us know if we may consider this thread solved.


Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello JoseAdolfo

We have not heard back from you so we will proceed to close this thread now. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored. It has been a pleasure to assist you.

Best regards,

Andrew G.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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