oneAPI Registration, Download, Licensing and Installation
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1546 Discussions

The w_fortran-compiler_p_2021.2.0.111_offline.exe installer doesn't work


Each month at Deltares we reinstall fresh Windows 10 and Windows 11 Intel fortran compilers via an offline installer, encapsulated in an Ansible job,


Thus sofar, this works, only last month, we got a very weird error and the compiler won't install (although nothing has changed in the versions of windows we are using).


The command which is given to the windows machine is for instance

w_fortran-compiler_p_2021.2.0.111_offline.exe -s --a --eula=accept --silent -p=NEED_VS2017_INTEGRATION=0


We have tried many things here:


  • Scratch the silent, then we see the installer firing up, downloading something (which is weird for an offline installer), but then exiting.
  • Put a -w <logfile> in it, but no logfile was created. We did see an rc of 1255, which was unexpected (at least, according to ansible).
  • Tried to do the process with Intel OneApi 2023. This works, but our build processes are too complicated to move to this compiler.

Can you help us in getting a finger behind this


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2 Replies

Hi Willem, please share the below information with us:

- OS build on which you are installing the software

- Is the installer an online or an offline package?

- Version of Microsoft Visual Studio installed along with it's build version

- Other versions of Intel® Parallel Studio XE or Intel® oneAPI already installed on the system

- Screenshots of the error screen

- Installation Log files.

The default path for a log file for a oneAPI installation is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\logs

The default path for a log file for a Parallel Studio XE installation is: %temp%\pset_tmp_PSXE<version>_<username>

We would like to know.

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Willem, unfortunately we were unable to hear back from me.

If you have any further queries, please post a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel®.

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