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No results generated for this run.


Hi all,

I am new to VTune. I am trying to optimize a debug build of a Win32 app using the call graphs. If I run the app through VTune and stop the activity at the application's logon screen, I get results. While this is nice, I am pretty sure my login screen is optimized so it isn't much use. :) If I actually log into the app and use it for a bit I get a popup titled "Run Status" which says "No results were generated for this run. Check the log or output windows for further information." All the output window shows is:

Fri Nov 07 15:06:22 2008 Process c:\Devel\TRADEVISION_2008\bin\TradeVisionD.exe, id "5340", started writing Call Graph data.
Fri Nov 07 15:06:22 2008 Data collection paused...
Fri Nov 07 15:06:22 2008 Process c:\Devel\TRADEVISION_2008\bin\TradeVisionD.exe, id "5340", finished writing Call Graph data.

Anyone have any idea what I am missing? I have run a trial version of VTune successfully on this app in the past.

I am using VTune Performance Analyzer 9.1



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4 Replies

"Fri Nov 07 15:06:22 2008 Data collection paused..." suggests that data collection is not being started.

You can check several things:

* in "Advanced Activity Configuration" for your Project, please make sure that "Start with data collection paused" is NOT checked (Right click on "Activity" and then select "Properties")

* Double check with the developers of the application to make sure that VTune Analyzer Pause/Resume API is not being used in the application (is it possible that the Pause API was invoked at Application Startup time?)

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Thanks for the feedback but neither of the things you suggested apply. If I stop the activity at the login screen, I get what I would expect in terms of call graph data. However, once I log in I never get results upon stopping. My app deals with rather large amounts of data but I am not sure if that can be affecting it. I am currently trying to use a build with edit and continue debug info to see if that makes a difference ( had just been using debug with program db previously ). Any other suggestions anyone might have would be greatly appreciated.

Quoting - RAVI (Intel)

"Fri Nov 07 15:06:22 2008 Data collection paused..." suggests that data collection is not being started.

You can check several things:

* in "Advanced Activity Configuration" for your Project, please make sure that "Start with data collection paused" is NOT checked (Right click on "Activity" and then select "Properties")

* Double check with the developers of the application to make sure that VTune Analyzer Pause/Resume API is not being used in the application (is it possible that the Pause API was invoked at Application Startup time?)

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Valued Contributor II
Quoting - tbaynon
Thanks for the feedback but neither of the things you suggested apply. If I stop the activity at the login screen, I get what I would expect in terms of call graph data. However, once I log in I never get results upon stopping. My app deals with rather large amounts of data but I am not sure if that can be affecting it. I am currently trying to use a build with edit and continue debug info to see if that makes a difference ( had just been using debug with program db previously ). Any other suggestions anyone might have would be greatly appreciated.
What is the structure of your application regarding the login screen and the rest of it? You say you can get call-graph results in the login portion but not the rest. Are they configured as two separate processes? VTune analyzer event sampling should be able to collect data from whatever processes are running (can you get hot spot data on your code of interest?) but call graph requires instrumentation and may require additional some additional setup to target the right process.

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What is the structure of your application regarding the login screen and the rest of it? You say you can get call-graph results in the login portion but not the rest. Are they configured as two separate processes? VTune analyzer event sampling should be able to collect data from whatever processes are running (can you get hot spot data on your code of interest?) but call graph requires instrumentation and may require additional some additional setup to target the right process.

If you application ran as two separate processes, please manually add "secondary" process (after log on) into interest of module list by using Call Graph's Configure dialog. Thus, 2nd process will be instrumented before 1st process running, hopefully 2nd instrumented EXE can be launched by 1st process?

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