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I have some problems installing and running VTune Performance Analyzer 9.1p for Linux* (Build 102)
on a Suse SLES 10 (kernel and a Intel Xeon CPU E5450.
During installation (typical) of the evaluation version, I get the following two suspicious errormessages (I dont know if any of these are relevant to my problem of not beeing able to run vtune):
/etc/init.d/ntd: NT daemon status: ..done
/etc/init.d/ntd: Create /opt/sag/exx/v721/etc/dcomconfig
/etc/init.d/ntd: # --------------------------------------------
ntd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off
insserv: Service ypbind has to be enabled for service ntd
insserv: exiting now!
/sbin/insserv failed, exit code 1
Wed Oct 15 13:07:12: 'intel-vtune-doc-9.1p-102.rpm' installed
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libStandardExeCtrl.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGExeCtrlTLB.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libStandaloneViewers.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGCons4VTUIEc.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSplStandaloneViewAddin.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileDialogEc.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libRatiosEditor.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libReportsEc.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libtebscollectorps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGAddin.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libShellTLB.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_TLB.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSVAddin.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingCLAddin.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libComInfo.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libActivity.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_GUI_TLBps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libMiniDE.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGTextConsumer.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libWorkspaceMgr.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libtebsproxyexecontroller.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileMgr.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSVConsumerEcClient.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingConsumerEc.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libActivityps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libEnvInfops.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingImporter.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libVTRun.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libVTMHDialogs.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libATLBistroController.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libATLBistroControllerTLBps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libVTMHPrefPagesEc.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libRunCfg.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libModuleHandler.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libRunCfgps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/ProjectNavigator.tlb
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libWorkspaceUI.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libDataObjectps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libWorkspaceMgrEc.so
*SNIP* goes on for quite a while!
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libvtlHandlers.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_L2L.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libComInfops.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGPackNGo.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingWizardLogic.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSOTAccess.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileSearchAddIn.so
Wed Oct 15 13:07:14: Directory for global data was set to /opt/intel/vtune/global_data
Wed Oct 15 13:07:17: Wrappers have been configured.
Wed Oct 15 13:07:24: Starting Eclipse installation..
Wed Oct 15 13:07:27: Eclipse installation finished.
Wed Oct 15 13:12:17: The Intel VTune Performance Analyzer 9.1 for Linux* (full install) was successfully installed.
So the installer tells me it is installed successfully, but if I try to run vtl or vtlec, I get the following errormessage:
The EntireX (aka 'ntd') service, required by VTune Analyzer, is not running.
As root, please start the 'ntd' service with the following command:
/etc/init.d/ntd restart
But after restarting the ntd service (when I restart the ntd service, it says ... done, no errormessage) vtl and vtlec throw exactly the same errormessage.
Does anybody have any idea what could be wrong?
Thanks for any help,
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I doubt you NTD or other VTune Analyzer's components were not uninstalled successfully before your installing new update product.
So I suggest you to uninstall prior product first, then check -
1) "/etc/init.d/ntd stop", "/etc/init.d/ntd deinstall" (if ntd still is alive)
2) You has to check if still has VTune compoents remained in the system after uninstalling the product
a) Use rpm to query if there are : intel-vdk*, intel-vtune*, dcom in the system
b) Use rpm to erase them if have.
3. Re-install the product update.
Regards, Peter
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thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately this didnt solve the problem. Since the problem existed during first installation on this machine too, I doubt it has anything to do with the unistall.
However during testing your approach, I noticed something strange:
Error: NTD is not running at the moment, please start it before using NT services.
ntwopper -v -g vtunesag -u vtunesag ntd
1 NTD 1.0(retail), made at 2007-09-18 08:00 with crypto support, build 124157, pid 25577, shm size 768 starting...
3 ERROR: EntireX DCOM license check error!
4 The EntireX XML license key file can not be found.
5 Please check your license file at:
6 /opt/sag/common/LKey/exx721.xml
Google helped me with this problem, the file permissions for the licence file were wrong.
After changeing these, I got a new error when trying to start vtl:
Error 0x80040154: Unable to load some components. Make sure user data directory contains enough disk space.
Disk space on the machine is no problem, and I didnt find anything about that error anywhere.
Do you have another clue for me?
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File permission for license file? I assume that you installed the product under "root" user.
1. Can you do "/etc/init.d/ntd restart" to ensure dcom is working?
[root@conroe-em64t ~]# /etc/init.d/ntd restart
18:21:57 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: restart
chown: `sag:sag': invalid user
18:21:57 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: Shutting down NT daemon... sermon shut
18:21:58 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: ntd is running down. Waiting...
18:22:12 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: NT daemon status: down
18:22:12 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: Starting NT daemon: ntwopper -v -g vtunesag -u vtunesag ntd
18:22:13 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: NT daemon status: running
2. Check if all VTune components are installed -
[root@conroe-em64t doc]# rpm -qa intel-vtune*
[root@conroe-em64t doc]# rpm -qa intel-vdk*
Also you can review /var/log/vtune_install.log to know if you succeed to install the product
3. Ensure vtune driver is loaded,
[root@conroe-em64t ~]# /etc/init.d/vtune status
Checking if the VTune analyzer sampling driver is loaded ... YES.
Otherwise, you should go /opt/intel/vtune/vdk/src/doc to read HOWTO-BUILD-VTUNE-DRIVER
If you have no problem on above, then you should have no problem to run vtl.
Regards, Peter
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File permission for license file? I assume that you installed the product under "root" user.
1. Can you do "/etc/init.d/ntd restart" to ensure dcom is working?
[root@conroe-em64t ~]# /etc/init.d/ntd restart
18:21:57 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: restart
chown: `sag:sag': invalid user
18:21:57 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: Shutting down NT daemon... sermon shut
18:21:58 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: ntd is running down. Waiting...
18:22:12 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: NT daemon status: down
18:22:12 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: Starting NT daemon: ntwopper -v -g vtunesag -u vtunesag ntd
18:22:13 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: NT daemon status: running
2. Check if all VTune components are installed -
[root@conroe-em64t doc]# rpm -qa intel-vtune*
[root@conroe-em64t doc]# rpm -qa intel-vdk*
Also you can review /var/log/vtune_install.log to know if you succeed to install the product
3. Ensure vtune driver is loaded,
[root@conroe-em64t ~]# /etc/init.d/vtune status
Checking if the VTune analyzer sampling driver is loaded ... YES.
Otherwise, you should go /opt/intel/vtune/vdk/src/doc to read HOWTO-BUILD-VTUNE-DRIVER
If you have no problem on above, then you should have no problem to run vtl.
Regards, Peter
I've checked all that, and everything is just like you already posted. So it seems to me as if vtune should be installed correctly.
But when I try to run vtl I still get the same message:
> ./vtl
Error 0x80040154: Unable to load some components. Make sure user data directory contains enough disk space.
But there is enough disc space available:
> df /opt/intel/vtune/global_data/
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
25702268 3979908 20416760 17% /opt
I really have no idea how I could possibly fix that...
Any ideas left?
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If you set up VTune successfully and add your account to the specified group (default vtune), you should not have difficulties with permissions.
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I've checked all that, and everything is just like you already posted. So it seems to me as if vtune should be installed correctly.
But when I try to run vtl I still get the same message:
> ./vtl
Error 0x80040154: Unable to load some components. Make sure user data directory contains enough disk space.
But there is enough disc space available:
> df /opt/intel/vtune/global_data/
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
25702268 3979908 20416760 17% /opt
I really have no idea how I could possibly fix that...
Any ideas left?
I strongly suggest you to uninstall/reinstall the product - (I saw /dev/mapper/vg1-lvopt1)
If you are installing the vtl software on a network file system (such as NFS or AFS), you may experience security-related installation failures, you should first install the needed software local driver.
Please use "root" user to install the product on local driver - check "fdisk -l"
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I strongly suggest you to uninstall/reinstall the product - (I saw /dev/mapper/vg1-lvopt1)
If you are installing the vtl software on a network file system (such as NFS or AFS), you may experience security-related installation failures, you should first install the needed software local driver.
Please use "root" user to install the product on local driver - check "fdisk -l"
I am also having the same trouble with the installation. Also that uninstalling and reinstalling also gives the same problem. I have used the vtune 9.1 with latest update. This is the output of fdisk.
[root@vivekananda vtune_linux_9.1]# fdisk -l /opt/intel
last_lba(): I don't know how to handle files with mode 41ed
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I have some problems installing and running VTune Performance Analyzer 9.1p for Linux* (Build 102)
on a Suse SLES 10 (kernel and a Intel Xeon CPU E5450.
During installation (typical) of the evaluation version, I get the following two suspicious errormessages (I dont know if any of these are relevant to my problem of not beeing able to run vtune):
/etc/init.d/ntd: NT daemon status: ..done
/etc/init.d/ntd: Create /opt/sag/exx/v721/etc/dcomconfig
/etc/init.d/ntd: # --------------------------------------------
ntd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off
insserv: Service ypbind has to be enabled for service ntd
insserv: exiting now!
/sbin/insserv failed, exit code 1
Wed Oct 15 13:07:12: 'intel-vtune-doc-9.1p-102.rpm' installed
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libStandardExeCtrl.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGExeCtrlTLB.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libStandaloneViewers.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGCons4VTUIEc.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSplStandaloneViewAddin.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileDialogEc.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libRatiosEditor.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libReportsEc.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libtebscollectorps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGAddin.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libShellTLB.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_TLB.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSVAddin.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingCLAddin.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libComInfo.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libActivity.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_GUI_TLBps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libMiniDE.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGTextConsumer.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libWorkspaceMgr.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libtebsproxyexecontroller.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileMgr.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSVConsumerEcClient.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingConsumerEc.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libActivityps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libEnvInfops.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingImporter.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libVTRun.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libVTMHDialogs.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libATLBistroController.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libATLBistroControllerTLBps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libVTMHPrefPagesEc.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libRunCfg.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libModuleHandler.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libRunCfgps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/ProjectNavigator.tlb
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libWorkspaceUI.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libDataObjectps.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libWorkspaceMgrEc.so
*SNIP* goes on for quite a while!
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libvtlHandlers.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_L2L.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libComInfops.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGPackNGo.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingWizardLogic.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSOTAccess.so
Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileSearchAddIn.so
Wed Oct 15 13:07:14: Directory for global data was set to /opt/intel/vtune/global_data
Wed Oct 15 13:07:17: Wrappers have been configured.
Wed Oct 15 13:07:24: Starting Eclipse installation..
Wed Oct 15 13:07:27: Eclipse installation finished.
Wed Oct 15 13:12:17: The Intel VTune Performance Analyzer 9.1 for Linux* (full install) was successfully installed.
So the installer tells me it is installed successfully, but if I try to run vtl or vtlec, I get the following errormessage:
The EntireX (aka 'ntd') service, required by VTune Analyzer, is not running.
As root, please start the 'ntd' service with the following command:
/etc/init.d/ntd restart
But after restarting the ntd service (when I restart the ntd service, it says ... done, no errormessage) vtl and vtlec throw exactly the same errormessage.
Does anybody have any idea what could be wrong?
Thanks for any help,
I am having the same problem where it says
chown : invalid user :sag sag
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I am also having the same trouble with the installation. Also that uninstalling and reinstalling also gives the same problem. I have used the vtune 9.1 with latest update. This is the output of fdisk.
[root@vivekananda vtune_linux_9.1]# fdisk -l /opt/intel
last_lba(): I don't know how to handle files with mode 41ed
I get the same error on fdisk
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If you set up VTune successfully and add your account to the specified group (default vtune), you should not have difficulties with permissions.
I booted up linux now in run level 3. How do I do whats suggested in the fix above.
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File permission for license file? I assume that you installed the product under "root" user.
1. Can you do "/etc/init.d/ntd restart" to ensure dcom is working?
[root@conroe-em64t ~]# /etc/init.d/ntd restart
18:21:57 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: restart
chown: `sag:sag': invalid user
18:21:57 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: Shutting down NT daemon... sermon shut
18:21:58 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: ntd is running down. Waiting...
18:22:12 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: NT daemon status: down
18:22:12 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: Starting NT daemon: ntwopper -v -g vtunesag -u vtunesag ntd
18:22:13 17-10-08 /etc/init.d/ntd: NT daemon status: running
2. Check if all VTune components are installed -
[root@conroe-em64t doc]# rpm -qa intel-vtune*
[root@conroe-em64t doc]# rpm -qa intel-vdk*
Also you can review /var/log/vtune_install.log to know if you succeed to install the product
3. Ensure vtune driver is loaded,
[root@conroe-em64t ~]# /etc/init.d/vtune status
Checking if the VTune analyzer sampling driver is loaded ... YES.
Otherwise, you should go /opt/intel/vtune/vdk/src/doc to read HOWTO-BUILD-VTUNE-DRIVER
If you have no problem on above, then you should have no problem to run vtl.
Regards, Peter
I tried all the experiments described in the quote above. I get the same results as described above. My log file does say that VTUNE is installed successfully.
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Installation is complete:
Thank you for using Intel Software Development Products, tools for improving application performance.
#/etc/init.d/ntd status
16:05:04 17-03-10 /etc/init.d/ntd: status
chown: invalid user: `sag:sag'
Error 0x800706ba: Unable to load some components. Make sure user data directory contains enough disk space.
JVM terminated. Exit code=1
-jar /opt/intel/eclipsepackage/3.2.1/eclipse/startup.jar
-os linux
-ws gtk
-arch x86
-launcher /opt/intel/eclipsepackage/3.2.1/eclipse/eclipse
-name Eclipse
-showsplash 600
-exitdata 96000b
-product com.intel.sdp.primary.product
-perspective com.intel.vtune.shell.tuningPerspective
-vm /opt/intel/eclipsepackage/3.2.1/jrockit-R27.2.0-jre1.5.0_10/bin/java
-jar /opt/intel/eclipsepackage/3.2.1/eclipse/startup.jar
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"Use single Group ID [ on ]"
"3. VTune analyzer group [ use group 'users' ]"
during installation
Now the programs (vtl and vtlec) start and work correctly.
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Please wait ...
------------------------------------------------------------EntireX DCOM for Linux* component is being installed...EntireX DCOM for Linux* component was successfully installed.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The VTune Performance Analyzer Driver Kit component is being installed...Searching a pre-built driver ... FAILEDBuilding the driver for your kernel ... OKInstalling sampling driver boot script ... OKLoading the driver ... OKThe VTune Performance Analyzer Driver Kit component was successfully installed.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The VTune Performance Analyzer Remote Agent component is being installed...The VTune Performance Analyzer Remote Agent component was successfully installed.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The VTune Performance Analyzer component is being installed..
===============================================================================INSTALLATION WARNINGS
Intel VTune Performance Analyzer 9.1 for Linux* installation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING: Checking if a pre-built sampling driver exists for your kernel ... no.
WARNING:Failed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libStandardExeCtrl.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGExeCtrlTLB.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libStandaloneViewers.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGCons4VTUIEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSplStandaloneViewAddin.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileDialogEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libRatiosEditor.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libReportsEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libtebscollectorps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGAddin.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libShellTLB.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_TLB.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSVAddin.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingCLAddin.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libComInfo.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libActivity.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_GUI_TLBps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libMiniDE.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGTextConsumer.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libWorkspaceMgr.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libtebsproxyexecontroller.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileMgr.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSVConsumerEcClient.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingConsumerEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libActivityps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libEnvInfops.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingImporter.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libVTRun.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libVTMHDialogs.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libATLBistroController.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libATLBistroControllerTLBps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libVTMHPrefPagesEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libRunCfg.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libModuleHandler.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libRunCfgps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/ProjectNavigator.tlbFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libWorkspaceUI.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libDataObjectps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libWorkspaceMgrEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libDBMgr.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSVTextConsumer.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libActivityHps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libReportsps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingPreferencesPagesEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libOptrepAddin.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libvtremoteconnectorps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libDataObject.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGImpExp.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/FileSearchAddIn.tlbFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileDialogps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGExeCtrl_L2L.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libProductInfo.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingCLConsumer.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libReports.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libAnPropContainers.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libEcGUIClient.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libVTRunEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libTuningBrowser.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileCopier.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libEnvInfo.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libCollection.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libWorkspaceMgrps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_TLBps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libism_2.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libtebscollector.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libMiniDEProxy.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libAnProdInfo.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGCons4VT.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGExeCtrl.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_GUI_TLB.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGWizardEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libPropBag.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libShellps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libtebscollectorEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_Ec.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGPreferencePagesEC.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileCopierps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libActivityEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libAnalyzerWizardsAddin.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libEcAnalyzerUtils.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingPropContainersEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libRatios.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGWizardLogic.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libATLBistroControllerTLB.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libShell.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libVTRunps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileSearchPrefPagesEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSVConsumerEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileDialog.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libATLBistroController_L2L.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSVPreferencePagesEC.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingConsumerEcClient.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libvtremoteconnector.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libVTFormulaEngine.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGExeCtrlTLBps.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingWizardEc.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libZLibComponent.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libvtlHandlers.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGC_L2L.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libComInfops.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libCGPackNGo.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSamplingWizardLogic.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/analyzer/bin/libSOTAccess.soFailed to load library /opt/intel/vtune/shared/bin/libFileSearchAddIn.soThe VTune Performance Analyzer 9.1 for Linux* may work incorrectly.
===============================================================================INSTALLATION NOTES
Intel VTune Performance Analyzer 9.1 for Linux* installation------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: You need to be a member of the "users" group in order to use the VTune Performance Analyzer.Note: To invoke the VTune Performance Analyzer, run "/opt/intel/vtune/bin/vtl" for command line and "/opt/intel/vtune/bin/vtlec" to start the VTune Performance Analyzer within Eclipse.
Note: To uninstall the VTune Performance Analyzer 9.1 for Linux* please run "/opt/intel/vtune/bin/uninstall_vtune.sh" file. Press
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Ubuntu 9.04
Note that current VTune Performance Analyzerv9.1 U7 doesn't supporton kernel 2.6.32, evenif you have no problem to build vtune driver and load it.
Please don't usethe tool on Ubuntu 9.04 RCn - which kernel version is> 2.6.30. Ubuntu 9.04 initial release (kernel 2.6.28) should be ok.
Wait for next productUpdate to support higher Linux* kernel version.
Regards, Peter
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I have comments -
1. If you specified "test" as "VTune analyzer group", your log-on user should be in "test" group
2. If you installed the product under network mounted driver from the server,Ithink thatlog-on user has to have permission to write data under that directory of NFS or AFS (from client side, changing global data and user directoryto local drive, change them via VTUNE_GLOBAL_DIR and VTUNE_USER_DIR environment variables..)
3. If you have problem on NTD service, you can use vtserver (instead of vtl and vtlec) - which doesn't require NTD service, usually it is a recommend working model (install the product on the server, and use the product from the client)
Hope it helps.
Regards, Peter

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